2015 sucks so far

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BuSo Pro
Nov 7, 2014
Waited until April 1 was over to post this.

So far, this year has been horrible.
  • Late 2014 I got the message that my job (and that of 20 other people) will be gone end of 2015. For no reason - aaah, politics, how I love you.
  • January 1 saw us in the emergency room with my little 1.5 year old princess daughter.
  • Since then, wicked colds/flu in my family for most of the year until now.
  • Sicknesses and SERIOUS ailments in family and friends.
  • People losing their jobs left and right.
  • The job market being STRANGE to everyone.
  • Finding out that my current employer (the Swiss Polytechnical Institute - ETH Zurich) seems to be a red flag...
  • Been removed / not further included in the CC9 without a word. Meh?
  • My pet project flaundering.
I hope 2015 just needed a few coffees and gets it's shit together second quarter.

So how has this year been for you guys?

  • Started my own main project instead of things I knew would go nowhere.
  • Lost many friends I should not have wasted time on due to debates I should not have wasted time on.
  • Got in touch with many friends that are now all over the world, starting to build a network.
  • Decided to get my shit straight and stop wasting time on games, friends that are just dragging me down and unproductive activities in general.
Overall, better than the first quarter of 2014, so I can't complain.
Your 2015 sounds like my 2014. Life gets better. Keep your head down and work through it.
Honestly, it's been a pile of steaming horseshit so far but the end is in sight for a lot of it and I've got high hopes for the second quarter.
Overall, I must say that this year has been good so far for me. My site vent from 500 visitors a day to 7k visitors a day. Earned my first "online income". I am learning new shit every day and growing my business. Despite my monetization problems and my second failed venture, I am satisfied. Second quarter will be even better!
My only complaint with 2015 so far is that I've been involved in too many client projects and not enough of my own work. I'm back in the trenches once again and eager to work my way back out, again. This time I'll stay out. I'm figuring out how to effectively make sure progress is being made on my own projects while still balancing my other duties. I'll get there. 2015 has only just getting started!
  • Lost job
  • Traffic reduced this month
  • More determination and time devoted to project.
  • No desire to quit until goals are hit.
As they say, one door closes another one opens.
Terrible until about a month ago, but really it's been a mixture of good and bad. Dad almost died, lost friends, neighbors shouting all day - end of 2014 was just as bad, perhaps even worse - Aunty died, dog died and other shit.

It's only now that I look back that I see that these things have just made me more determined to work harder, stay focused and get rid of all the negative people who were dragging me down - that's part of the reason I joined this forum, to network with positive people.

It's all up from here bros...
Bad: Can relate somewhat, no friends. no one to talk to. but fuckit man

Good: Im going to make a million
Bad: Can relate somewhat, no friends. no one to talk to. but fuckit man

Good: Im going to make a million
Friends are overrated bro, trust me on this one.

It's like Bob Marley said -

“The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for.”
  • Jan 1, 2015. Started new job at start up making decent coin. Put me in the 1% bracket for my age/state.
  • While working an event for work, I saw a dog with a rescue me vest on. I ended up adopting him and we've been best friends ever since. (Incredible dog!)
  • Laid off 6 months later. Not performance-related, just a combo of company politics and funding finances.
  • Built branded content site, sold it 6 days after being let go at work for $5.5K. (Disappointing story, but had to stay focused)
  • Now going full time into my main branded site. Will be my income source.
  • Had another breakthrough talking with CC. Realized hard-work, grinding it out, etc doesn't mean much if I'm so worried all the time. In order to get to my goals I needed to change how I looked at things.
  • Moving to new place, without a steady 9-5 paycheck now, and rent is $x,xxx/month. (Literally signed the lease 2 days before being let go)
  • Bought my "dream-to-me" car.. A newer Audi a few months after taking that start up job.
  • Big brand site traffic holding steady.
  • Joined Builder Society
  • Stopped posting on forums all together, but am posting on here now.

2015 continues to suck
  • a month ago, a biz acquaintance dies in an accident - 35, leaves wife and son - he was a really really cool dude, too.
  • This weekend, a former colleague of my wife's (we were friendly, but not too close.. like have some dinners, aquaintance - she commited suicide by stepping in front of a train.
Sorry for the shit news, seriously F this.

@emp your year sounds nearly as shitty as mine. God, I hope I can made the second half better and no one else I know dies. Hang in there.
Yeaahhh.... Don't read if you are easily depressed / suicidal

  • Former schoolmate just announced she's starting chemo
  • Befriended mother of kids in daycare has to get surgery for cancer
  • I get to write 10-12 applications a month while still fully employed or risk losing benefits (if it would ever come to that)
  • Friend has to report to the police for weird accusations by his neighbor
..... 2015, get your shit together, willya?

Stopped posting on forums all together, but am posting on here now.

Glad you're here. Post moar!!!

@emp Really sorry to hear all that :wonder: I can't say anything that could possibly help. Has anything gone right for ya this year man? List some good stuff?
Yeaahhh.... Don't read if you are easily depressed / suicidal

  • Former schoolmate just announced she's starting chemo
  • Befriended mother of kids in daycare has to get surgery for cancer
  • I get to write 10-12 applications a month while still fully employed or risk losing benefits (if it would ever come to that)
  • Friend has to report to the police for weird accusations by his neighbor
..... 2015, get your shit together, willya?


Hey I read blindapeseo.com once in a while. I remember this compilation which you made a while back: http://blindapeseo.com/ultimate-list-of-free-image-sources - it is a good collection!

Same question as Romac asked: Anything good going on this year? Anything which you can turn around with your efforts?

(For whatever it is worth, I went through a similar situation a few years back. In my case, the turnaround was gradual, and is still not complete. But I noticed that as time went on, and as I started putting in more effort, things started getting better.)
@Romac @builder
Really sorry to hear all that :wonder: I can't say anything that could possibly help. Has anything gone right for ya this year man? List some good stuff?

OK, to start this off with a disclaimer:
I am venting in this thread coming from a position my wife and I call "high level complaining" - as in, things are generally good on a high level, but one can still complain.

The good things
  • I live in a loving marriage with a great wife
  • We live in a beautiful country
  • My two kids are smart, beautiful, healthy, and raised well (hey, these are my kids, of course they are the world's best and brightest)
  • For the last 8 years, I had a job I enjoyed thoroughly
  • Apart for my chronic stuff (which isn't really bothering me), my health has been great the last years (health, not fitness, I could stand to lose a few kilograms cough a few? bullshit! cough

Anything which you can turn around with your efforts?

That is really the thing.

No overtime is gonna prevent accidents.
No amount of work is gonna end cancer.
There is no out-hustling death.

And I am 40 now (yikes) so news like that are gonna get more frequent and hit closer to home, as my parents and my friends are aging along with me.

So this here is my little corner to vent.
I am working hard every day, for my family.
But this year has been nothing but shit news. Seriously, not one golden nugget coming my way.

I've even left out the remnants of work I have to do at my 9-5, the job I had for the last 8 years that is folding end of this year.

... and it goes on

So this Sunday, car decides to crap out on the German Autobahn.
I have a new found respect for people working on that beast.
Putting out the warning triangle 200m behind the car as cars zip by at 100mph about a foot away... yikes!

Good news the in bad:
Only an inexpensive part broke, the replacement was done Monday afternoon.
As we get the car to a "long life service" by Volkswagen every 6 months, the towing and hotel were covered by VW.

Just got new that a friend got into an accident yesterday.
Car is totaled, but he is fine.

I hear you man, 2015 has been a giant suck-fest for me as well. Now I've got a soul sucking 9-5 that pays dick and is hindering my progress with my own ventures; money/debt issues that are killing me. Not to mention family and other relations that don't believe me and are trying to suck me dry. (yeah, good luck with that, blood/stone etc) Fuck 2015, fuck it right in the ass :(
I hear you man, 2015 has been a giant suck-fest for me as well. Now I've got a soul sucking 9-5 that pays dick and is hindering my progress with my own ventures; money/debt issues that are killing me. Not to mention family and other relations that don't believe me and are trying to suck me dry. (yeah, good luck with that, blood/stone etc) Fuck 2015, fuck it right in the ass :(

Sounds a bit victim mentality-esque to me. All of those things may be true, but some I'm sure you can take action to either change, or accept them as they are and reframe them in a way that is helpful. For the job, you could figure out how to stack skillsets so time at the job is not only paying you in money, but in knowledge that you can translate for your own personal gain. Maybe you could become hyper-efficient and productive, then pitch working 2/5 days at home, getting a massive amount of work done efficiently then working on your projects.

May need to cut some people out of your life, or give them hard, clear guidelines on how you expect to be treated and what happens if you aren't treated that way. A consequence of having money and letting it be known is that a lot of people will try to 'take' it from you in some form or another.
Yeah right, the 9-5 doesn't even pay enough to pay my most basic bills without any extras so just by having it I'm getting deeper in the hole each month. Family doesn't understand the literal words 'I have no money AT ALL'.
I'll put in my notice at the 9-5 anyway so whatever.
So you're quitting your job because you don't make enough to pay bills yet somehow you will make more post-quit?
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So you're quitting your job because you don't make enough to pay bills yet somehow you will make more post-quit?

Second that. You may very well make more money after your job, but that's likely to be months or years from now. RiverStyx, what's your plan to stay afloat between now and then?
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Some people have turned out to be delicate little flowers.
"The vibes are so negative, I'll cover my ears."

Well, I sure hope you never watch the news, precious snowflake - your head would explode I guess.
Yeah.. 2015 has not stopped sucking..

why bump a thread no one has posted to in over a month to simply tell us you will no longer post in said thread? that is what "attention whores" do.
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