24 Hours of Elite SEO Knowledge. Free. Raising Money For St Jude's

Steve Brownlie

Building Links
BuSo Pro
Digital Strategist
Nov 16, 2015
Hi everyone,

I'm super pumped to announce that our Head of Accounts - Garrett Graff - is going to be hosting, along with myself and @stackcash as moderators, the 24 Hours of SEO Telethon.

We've got 24 amazing speakers lined up including:

It starts 9AM Central on the 25th January and goes right through to the following morning.

And I'll be taking Q&A about outreach - if you want to get your questions in for me or any of the other speakers just drop them here and we'll work them into the event.

It really is an opportunity to get the same speakers and knowledge that is available at big money conferences, without paying $1,500+ to be there or $350 for a video pack afterwards.

There is an optional suggested donation of $100 if you want to support the event, but truthfully anything would be amazing so that we can make this an annual thing and really raise a lot of money for St Jude's as well as getting more people in front of the best speakers in the industry every year.

How To Take Part

The best way to take part and support the event in the long run is to sign up at https://www.24hoursofseo.com

You'll get priority bonus content, slide decks, video packs (instead of just the massive 24 hour show!) as well as your questions always being top of the list - so if the speaker runs out of time you'll be most likely to get answered if you're on the list.

But I know many of you here on BuSo don't like signing up to things (though those of you who know me know we're not planning to mail you stuff not to do with this anyway) so if you 'follow/subscribe' to this thread we'll send as many of the updates and bonuses here as we can.

How To Support

If you can afford to give anything please head over to our Just Giving page for the event. Everything you give not only goes to a great cause but it gives us a shot at making this a successful annual event that attracts the best speakers, and shares the most knowledge with the community. It really is a win for everyone.


How To Share

Right now we're asking anyone who can't give but who would like to attend if they can do what they can to share - invite a few colleagues, share around the office, fire out their thoughts on social. Anything you can do to make the event bigger is huge for us this year. Please hit it if you can!


And of course... there's merch! All the proceeds going to St Jude's.


Thank you in advance for any help you give or any donations you make. Everything is truly appreciated.

And naturally I hope to see tons of you live on the day - loads of fun, interaction and learning. Plus teasing us hosts for being tired after being up for so long!
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My body is ready.

Is there a calendar available for those of us who want to watch portions of the event live? I don't want to wait on the video packs. I want to preserve my head start against my competitors on the actionable tips tossed out there.

I'm going to score one of those coffee cups in honor of Garrett staying up for that long. I can't do that any more, let alone be able to be focused and engaged for 24 hours straight. It'll be interesting when he starts hallucinating towards the end.
Hey @Ryuzaki @MeEatBrains Thanks for stopping by. The non-sign up version of the schedule is now available:


You still get lots of bonus content if you go to the homepage (/register) and sign up but as promised to BuSoers there's no need to sign up to get a peek at the schedule and the live link ready for tomorrow.

Anyone who has any outreach questions they want me to answer please just PM them over. I'll try to get to as many as I can.
Been some nice talks. I missed a couple, but the ones I've seen thus far have been great.

Sam Romain gave out some great information on online reputation management. Pretty much anything you could need to know, honestly, with some sneaky tricks that are a lot better than "outrank the bad, tank the good." I'd share the seekretz but everyone will have to watch the replay later if they want to know.

Josh Bachynski is going live now to talk about ethics in SEO, "Beware the Snakeoil Salesmen in SEO!!!" as well as talk about other case studies and what not. He's doing some nice SERP tests.

There's some killer ones coming up. I'm really excited for...
  • Zack Hayes' "Reddit SEO Tips"
  • Jared Hobbs' "Beginner & Advanced On-Page SEO"
  • Andy Halliday's "Server Logs Analysis"
  • Vin D'Eletto's "Getting the Most from Outsourced Writers & More"
  • Steve Brownlie's "Outreach Q&A"
  • Lexi Mills & Elli Bishop's "The Future of PR SEO"
Of course there's more but I had to pick my favorite topics.

It's still live, tune in if you're chilling and want some internet marketing insights from some of the best!
I wanted to bump and let people know that the replay videos have been dripping out. You can find the playlist here:

24 Hours of SEO Charity Event 2018

There's only four out so far, coming out in order. But it's a good pace where I've actually had time to listen and watch them while I work all instead of feeling like I need to pick and choose.
Great thanks, I'm watching one now you guys look to have done a great job.

Thank you :smile: More gold to come as we upload more videos. Garrett is fitting one in whenever he can in amongst our regular work!
We finally got some more videos up - some real gold here including @NickEubanks on TF*IDF and many more.


Please do smash those social share buttons and let your friends/colleagues know as there is some great content up there and all the support we can get to continue the fund raising during the replay period is greatly appreciated!