3 Month old website's traffic has vanished?

Dec 22, 2021
I've been working on a new website for 3 months now. Since then the traffic has gradually grown, however recently all my traffic has pretty much vanished. While I understand that traffic always fluctuates especially for newer sites, this seems like quite a dramatic drop. Can someone help me understand what's happening?


Google released a Spam Update on the day you crashed. It’s not an indication that you were spamming. They’ve been doing crazy stuff, tanking sites of all sizes to zero or minus 50% give or take 20% more percent in either direction. It’s been going on since May. Sites eventually pop back in during a later big update. It sucks. Nobody knows what to do or say other than “hang on”. They do come back if the site wasn’t doing anything wrong. It’s something we’ve been talking about for half a year now.

My advice is to not do anything with a knee jerk reaction but do look over every aspect of your site and improve what you can. It’s the perfect time to audit yourself, look at what other sites are doing, etc. I listed a lot of ideas in the Kitchen Sink SEO thread you can peruse.