A2 Hosting SSL Screw Up


BuSo Pro
Oct 7, 2014
As you may know on September 5th OneClickSSL discontinued their certificate.


If you use A2 Hosting for any of your sites I'm not sure if you've already seen this elsewhere or not.

They screwed up ensuring they put the redirects back in place... Check your http > https redirects are still in place if you're using them. I did it manually this time rather than with their own "feature".

One of my sites and after confirming with some friends (their sites) have also been affected by the redirect falling out of place.

Due to the Medic Update, it seems like it has passed by un-noticed as traffic drops have been attributed to that.

I lost 10% September > October so it doesn't need to be a giant number but it'll be significant enough that you will have noticed.

Hope this helps someone!
Does A2 Hosting offer WHM or Cpanel? If they do I'd just set up the plugin that sets up the cron jobs for Let's Encrypt SSL.

Yeah that sounds horrible, trusting a service to set up the 301's instead of doing it in .htaccess or whatever Nginx config has.