Adding PDF to informational page


In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity
BuSo Pro
Sep 8, 2016
Quick question to everyone,

I have a page that is ranking well and would like to add some more info to it in the form of a downloadable PDF. I am unsure how Google views this. (Can they read downloadable files? are they viewed as possible spam?)

My goal is to add more valuable information, and hopefully show a good signal when people download the document. I really have no clue how Google views this.

Anyone have any insight or experience with this?

Thanks in advance!
Yes, Google crawls, indexes, and reads PDF files. They shouldn't be viewed as spam. They're seen as a webpage, so a link to a PDF you upload is an internal link to another page on your site as far as they're concerned.

They used to have a search operator filetype you could use like filetype:PDF but I can't get it to work. But here's some PDF's indexed in Google:


You see the PDF icon on the right of the breadcrumbs. They eat them up just like any other page. It's perfectly fine.
I did this recently, in the form of a printable version of the main info content of the webpage. All in the name of better user experience. Don't think it has had any effect yet