Adsense account limitations - any advice?

Sep 10, 2020

I have 6 sites under one adsense account and have received a limtation on my account due to 'invalid clicks'.

Only thing i can think of that could have caused this is:

- my earnings increased from £3-4 to £10 per day last week
- one of my sites went had 19 clicks one day and then 111 the next?

Neither of these things appear to be bots or malicious. Was wondering if anyone has had similar issues with adsense?
@abbykmorley, what does this limitation do to your account?

Back when I was using Adsense, I'd have gobs of invalid clicks be removed from my account every month. It was a lot, but it was also a fraction of the amount of legitimate clicks I was getting. My point is, everyone gets invalid clicks, so it's probably more about the ratio of invalid-to-valid that got you in trouble.

Did you traffic double last week? And on the one site that went from 19 clicks to 111 clicks the next day, did you see an over 5x growth in traffic that day?

If not, they were definitely invalid. The only thing I've seen that can affect click through ratings that much without changing anything else is suddenly ranking much higher on Google, which means you're getting higher quality traffic that's more likely to click. But ranking higher also means receiving more traffic. Did you receive more traffic?

In my opinion there's not a lot you can do about this other than get a lot more legit traffic so your ratio of invalid-to-valid clicks decreases drastically.

Also, what kind of sites are we talking about? Are they content sites? Forums? I've found Adsense on forums is a bad idea because your regular users decide they want to start helping out by clicking ads, which obviously sticks out like a sore thumb and causes problems.
I had the same problem last week and two days after the notice I was banned

My traffic came from Bing because I also have an affiliation
I still have my AS account but ended up pulling all ad placements because of constant 'invalid click' earnings shaving from Google (well into two-figure percentages). As the sites in question were pretty decent informational content and there was no aggressive monetisation, I wouldn't trust Google as far as I could throw them when it comes to manipulating epc and clicks. Certainly the affiliate links I switched to converted quite happily and more profitably in a non-invalid way!
@ToffeeLa, I'd wager that most of the invalid clicks are actually invalid, either coming from people accidentally clicking and closing the new tab or hitting back really quickly, and these "spyfu" type "spy on your competitors ad campagins" type of SaaS's that have to get the data about the landers and all that somehow.

Typically I'd agree with you about not trusting them with shaving but since this is the large bulk of their income, I think they'd be extremely wary about an impending class action lawsuit at the level it'd be at. Not to mention we watch them continually make sure that search users stay in the ecosystem and are constantly bombarded by Adwords and Shopping Network ads.
@ToffeeLa, I'd wager that most of the invalid clicks are actually invalid, either coming from people accidentally clicking and closing the new tab or hitting back really quickly, and these "spyfu" type "spy on your competitors ad campagins" type of SaaS's that have to get the data about the landers and all that somehow.
Whichever way it was, it did me a good turn as the affiliate links converted and the epc/epm was many multiples of AS (where in a competitive and durable niche the epc had strangely and consistently declined long-term, at least according to the black box which is the Google ad market).
@ToffeeLa, for sure. Coaxing a click out of someone while combatting ad blindness is a lot harder than making an Amazon sale. I went full time off of Adsense sites targeting niches where I was getting $5 clicks at 10%+ CTR's. I thought I was on cloud nine, but many years later I started Pay-Per-Call on those sites and started pulling down multiple $350 conversions a day. I left a lot of money on the table for years. Live and learn! Adsense is bottom of the barrel but easy and they pay out on time every time. It's a great starting place for most.
@abbykmorley, what does this limitation do to your account?

There is an account wide limitation on impressions. Basically zero impressions, so zero earnings and not just on one site but also on the other 7 sites within the account.

No indication on when it may be lifted and we are pretty much on hold now, 21 days since initial block, could take up to 30 days. We don't want to order anymore content and continue down this route until we know that the account limitations are going to be lifted.

Having all our campaigns in one account is also a worry if the actions on one site can result in account wide restrictions.