Any tips for finding low DA domains to steal keywords?


BuSo Pro
Boot Camp
Jan 23, 2015
I've only been able to find around 10 domains that are close to the DA of my site, I need to expand this list to at least 50.

What do you do when looking for low competition sites? Seems like most queries I enter return established sites
I use longtail pro to find easy keywords.

Then look wich sites are ranking for it. Then use semrush to find the other keywords they are ranking for.
Seems like you need some automatisation. If you have scrapebox and your main keywordset scrape all pages and check da through an online bulk checker or the scrapebox plugin. This will lead to the result of having enough sites within your da range.
I guess you want some easy links. Keep in mind that those links will only help a little. And please don't look only on DA. This metric is calculated from a too tiny dataset. Trustflow and Citationflow from MajesticSeo is a much better alternative.
Try this:
This tool is mainly used to find expired/expiring or auction domains.
But with some creativity you can use it to dig information on domains with whatever metrics you want (DA, TF/CF ...). You can also do a search by specific keywords.
For information you will get metrics such as: TA/CF, DA/PA, Alexa Rank, Domain Age, # of backlinks ... all in one screen.

They have a one month refund policy if you don't like what you get.