Companies Taking Advantage of the Beginning of the End of Internet Free Speech

Jul 22, 2014
If you're paying attention you'll have seen reports such as:
  • China spending fortunes to publish propaganda to social media
  • Facebook suppressing conservative stories, Donald Trump news, and falsely reporting "Trending" stories
  • Twitter suppressing conservative stories, shadow banning accounts, etc.
  • Reddit admins and moderators accepting money from the Clinton campaign and allowing thousands of shill accounts to flood conservative subs.
  • Huffington Post making huge stinks about diversity then shows that it only hires white females for it's large editorial board.
We could go on and on. People are completely deluded in regards to politics and their own impacts on the way things go. They are so passionate that they're willing to hurt their bottom line over it. Or are they?

Or is this the 1984 Ministry of Defense being born? It was bad enough that the NSA has been collecting all of this information "but not collecting meta-data" to openly admitting the fact that they have been collecting meta-data and are sharing it with every government agency. Everything online is a lie, and if it's not a lie then it's using subtle persuasion and propaganda techniques. The NSA's own "Guide to manipulating people on the internet" leak tells all.

I'm particularly thinking about Reddit as an example. You'd think the Silicon Valley folks would be financially conservative and therefore right-leaning, yet they are the hipster capital of the world. They don't hire based on merit, but on meeting diversity quotas that have nothing to do with diversity. They invent all kinds of dumb shit to be upset about, and then waste their money (or their investors' money) trying to convince the public at large to agree with them.

Reddit has been screwing up for the longest, bending over backwards for the NSA and the elite agenda of social disorder. The whole Ellen Pao fiasco worked just like the Presidency of the USA works. You bring someone in for a year or four or eight on claims of how they will fix things, then they destroy things, you get mad at them, and then they are out of power and the next mask is worn to take the next blame.

This kind of thing is why we now have, which I admittedly don't use because I'm after traffic, not wasting time. That was started by angry moderators and users who were sick of the abuse of power on Reddit. But even now, it's going beyond users all the way to the tops of Reddit. The former Senior Vice President and founder of Redditgifts, among others associated with Reddit's board of execs, are starting a new Reddit knockoff called imzy at

They see the same things the rest of us see, which is that Reddit is now a drama/propaganda machine intended for cultural paradigm shifting. So they are making the "happy" Reddit, where all the fun stuff can exist. I'm sure they're going to moderate what types of communities are allowed to be created. For now.

That's why I'm not worried about Voat or imzy though. These companies start with good intentions, then get investors, then they have to make money so they relax their rules and guidelines to attract more types of users, and then they get a big enough influence that the Powers That Be step in and tighten it back down so that you lose your privacy, then it gets manipulated all to hell.

It's a cycle but one that can turn you into a billionaire if you put yourself on a surfboard and ride that wave to completion. These tickets to ride are only going to be available for a short window of time before the Ministry of Truth completely actualizes itself. Get paid.
"Welcome to Costco. I love you." Pretty much. (I hope someone gets the reference lest I sound insane)
"Welcome to Costco. I love you." Pretty much. (I hope someone gets the reference lest I sound insane)
What you are talking about really isn't new. It's pretty much just what people call "selling out".

You start out and get popular with a certain set of values/ideals. But once you've established yourself the money gets to big to pass up so you let some of those values/ideals relax to some degree.

Nothing new here is going on. How much privacy do you think people had hundreds of years ago? Ever hear of things like the Spanish Inquisition?

As for VC funded valley companies throwing money away with stupid hires, again not a unique/new practice. When economic times are good money starts getting wasted. People do stupid things with money when there is plenty of it. Once the money dries all those people get fired, happened in 99 and will happen again over and over.