Do Call To Action Buttons Always Boost Clicks?

Sep 17, 2014
Do call to action buttons always boost clicks? I'm specifically thinking of Amazon Affiliates sites and product review pages like best lists. I'm trying to do everything I can to get more clicks and let Amazon do the converting.

I've added comparison tables above the fold now, and I have a buyer's guide, and I have a list of products where it's like:

- Product Name
- Product Image
- A Couple of Paragraphs
- Button? (Should I add?)

I have buttons in the comparison table and a button on some of my "favorite products," but I'm wondering about adding the button to every single product section.

Yes, I know I should test it. But at the same time I'd like to know how it worked out for other people. I've seen people mention that when you sell too hard, like some of these Amazon API Plugins for Wordpress, that their Clicks and Conversions actually went down. Then again, it's hard to know if you can trust what people say online, especially if they don't get enough traffic or did it at the same time a Google algorithm update happened. I know you can split test the text on the buttons too.

In general, have you tried this?
For each mini review in the top 10 list I have 1 button.
Imagine mobile users having to scroll all the way up to find the button for that product.
For each mini review in the top 10 list I have 1 button.
Imagine mobile users having to scroll all the way up to find the button for that product.

You don't include any text or image links for each product?
A highly visible call-to-action is always going to get more eyeball time and clicks than one that doesn't exist. Will it hurt your text and image links? Doubtful. You will likely add to your total number of clicks.

The real question is which type of link is converting the best, and if by adding a big button and getting clicks on it, are you drawing clicks over to a link that converts less well for whatever reason.

I would say to go for it though, in general. Especially if you're talking about eCommerce stores like Amazon which do most of the conversion work for you. If you're sending people to some Clickbank squeeze page or lander then you need to test meticulously which one is doing the better pre-sale by setting the right expectations about what they're about to see on the next page.