Facebook Ad Naming System


BuSo Pro
Sep 2, 2020
So I'm taking over the ad account for our lead gen brand. Have never run ads before, there's over 1,200 ad sets, and no consistent naming system....


With that said - How do you guys name your campaigns / adsets / ads?

I'm understanding that generally it's:
  • Campaign = The WHY. Mainly the campaign objective. For us it's 99% going to be website lead conversions
  • Ad Set = The WHO & WHERE. Audience and placement, etc.
  • Ad = The HOW. The creative, video vs static, etc.
I've thrown together this system:

Appreciate any critique / teardowns -- really don't want to get 6 months down the line and realise I've missed something.

Trying to maximise every chance I can learn from the data going forward.
Your taking over the account, but never ran ads?

Did you say that?

Of reference, I name my ad sets, "Ad Set 1" ( every single one of them ) and I've ran ads for 25 years.

If you have never ran ads before, you maybe wanna not stress on naming conventions and focus on making sure you can hit your target metric within goal.
Your taking over the account, but never ran ads?

Did you say that?
Yeah.. it's a long story. I partnered with the brand 6 months ago, they were using a couple of guys running ads at breakeven - with the goal of making profit over customer lifetime via email etc. At peak they were doing this at £20k/m spend (~$25k), but had been struggling to make it work for 6 months.

Google has wrecked our main revenue stream so we can't afford the ad guys anymore. I'm taking a shot at running it to see if we can do it profitably. We are in the finance niche, so there's a lot of compliance we need to stick to.

But even with strict compliance, I feel like they missed a lot of opportunities:
  • There was never any AB testing. They made one whole creative at a time. No variation of intros or hooks. Make a creative, run it until it's not profitable, kill it. No testing (apparently Meta's algorithm doesn't work with AB tests).
  • They used bottom of funnel ads at a wide audience. Targetting a broad audience (50m+) while assuming the viewer knows certain acronyms, or throwing tons of details at them. Rather than just saying "Hey if you're [target audience], we can help" with a simple breakdown of our process and social proof
  • There's so many pain points they didn't target. Ads focused on giving information, rather than calling out user pain points and showing solutions.
  • Other basic things, like:
    • Ads should stand out. Instead our presenter was wearing a grey jumper with a grey background. Or a dark top with a dark background, etc.
    • Ads are all a presenter talking to a camera with some B-Roll. Or a fake iPhone text conversation, or a fake note with an ad on it. No footage of our product and service, or of our social proof
    • They never ran basic static ads with customer testimonials / case studies
I realise I'm pretty naive coming into this with zero experience -- but just feels like they left a lot of stones unturned.

Here's my rough plan if you've got 5 minutes to tear it apart:
  1. Do a practice run by re-running our previous best ads using same settings as before. They've been dormant for 5 months so should be fresh and hit well. The campaign has good data user already.
  2. Reshoot those same ads with our founder to get the ad creation process down. Include some variations / new angles to test out.
  3. Script new ads based on our competitors longest running creatives
  4. Workshop the hell out of potential new angles, looking at customer journey and pain points. Script + shoot new ads with 10-20+ hook variations -- varying the first 2-3 paragraphs of static or 2-5 seconds of video to find what works best.
  5. Regularly study the data to find what's working. Try to learn and pivot as much as possible. Keep putting out new creatives weekly. Try to hone-in on what works best with our audience.
Please do shoot as many holes in this as possible. It's a long shot but trying to do what I can to set things up for success.

Fully appreciate I'm like a learner driver trying to jump into an F1 car, but there just seems to have been so much left on the table.