Facebook using whatsapp messages to target ads?


Valar Morghulis
Boot Camp
Oct 8, 2014
I've been googling this to find out if there was anything I missed in the Terms and Conditions of Whatsapp. All I've found so far, is Facebook vehemently denying any use of Whatsapp in their ad targeting. However, just the other day, my friend was telling me about somewhere her boyfriend was gonna take her on a date.

I had never Googled, Facebook searched, or otherwise ever spoken about that place in my life. Except for that one mention on whatsapp. Later on, I log into Facebook, and lo and behold, there are a bunch of "sponsored posts" from that same place. This is beyond creepy. I'm not sure if I missed something but as far as I can see, Facebook is denying this. Like wtf.
Do any of you use Whatsapp? Have you experienced anything like this?
I'm sure they are lying about it. I wish I had more to add, but I don't use Facebook or Whatsapp. I know FB bought Whatsapp, though. And that tech companies will lie out their ass about their data.
The minute you giveaway your information freely for a freemium service (facebook), you already sold your privacy, no need to trust or even check those TOS or T&C you've been sold out !

Whether you use FB, G+, Pintrest, Twitter..., You pay them for a service you need and the currency in this situation is personal data.
I can see two possibilities:
1. FB lies
2. Your friend made a personalized ad campaign to target you
Slightly off topic but those personal campaigns are pretty hilarious. You can freak your friends out for like 10 bucks. Their minds are seriously blown.