Finding good content templates

Feb 6, 2015
Hola guys,

I am running a small amazon review site, which is based around a particular product category.

I saw within my keyword research that people like to search for "brand replacement parts" or "brand accessories". Currently, there is not a good piece of content around these keywords, as shown by buzzsumo.

  1. Any suggestions for content templates that works well for those types of keywords?
  2. Which tools are you using to research content templates?(besides buzzsumo)
Thanks in advance for your answer!
I tend to follow a keyword research model when laying out that kind of thing and look for the things people most likely to buy are searching 'which replacement parts for x are safe'... etc. The keyword research chapter in the crash course is much better than anything I'd say! I still don't do everything they recommend every time! But if you answer all the search 'questions' that are relevant to people buying replacement parts you'll pick up a lot of long tail stuff as well as build a really authoritative page for the head term.
Yeah, I think you just need to use your head. There's no reason to rely on how another site formats / outlines their content.

If you already know the question you're going to answer in your content....just answer it as comprehensively and clearly as possible.