Fits and starts


BuSo Pro
Jun 2, 2015
That's been the cycle for me for the past 2 years as life has continually taken it's opportune whacks the "Big Red Fat Ass Wiffle-Ball Bat of Death ™" at the most interesting of times. Things are different now and I'm in it for good.

This forum and the attitude here is fantastic. It's infectious. It's a major step in the right direction from what I've been used to lurking in for the past few years. I see a lot of familiar-to my stalking eyes-names and I look forward to learning and contributing in equal measure.

Thanks for this place. It feels like home.

Hi, Safeword.

Do you have any projects still live from 2 years ago that aren't compromised by spam or black hat methods? If so, and it's one that still motivates and interests you, having 2 years of age on it is something that can't be faked and might make for a nice head-start as you jump back in.

What kind of sites are you interested in? Content magazines? Ecommerce?
Welcome aboard, always nice to see more hungry people joining the forum!
Thanks guys.

Ryuzaki: No, do don't. I knew that I'd have to wear my crash helmet and was totally ready to take a few headers and break a few bones diving into it. I had a few sites that I gave a good go of but really had the mindset of learning and gathering data. I warmed my hands by the flames they went down and took notes and made mental adjustments.

I'm at iteration #7941 of the 10,000 required to finally get my damn internet light bulb working.

It's always exciting when you peel back a layer and have that initial "ah-ha" moment that eventually just becomes part of the process. I appreciate those moments and look forward to each one, even if you have to knock down a brick wall to get to it. Makes it worth it. Gives you a sense of accomplishment. Makes you appreciate it...

I'm a real meta kinda dude. I'm interested in what makes people and demographics tick. The psychology behind traffic and decisions. It motivates and drives me. It's always exciting. Real things that are beyond the 'get rich quick' mentality that seem to be the pervasive focus most of the time. Not that there is anything wrong with that if that's your thing. It's just not my primary focus. I'm a long game guy.

I've been pretty successful in my field, which is the reason I kept getting pulled in and out of this. It never really fulfilled me. Although, because of the online mindset I've cultivated it did open my eyes to a wealth of opportunities in that sector of the economy that I was able to recognize. So I consider that time more like a data gathering mission, a bit of real world recon. It all lead me back to where my heart/head ultimately lies…online.

And here.
