Goals for April 2018

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BuSo Pro
Digital Strategist
Sep 3, 2014
My friends, Easter & April Fools day came and went on the same day, sparing many of us the inane pranks across the internet as we spent time with our family and friends, religious or not.

And now we're back in the saddle trying to get this paper.

- Thread Theme -
Special Edition for the Lady Builders

I don't know how the rest of you feel about it, but I can't believe were already 1/4 done with the year. I can't say that I'm particularly pleased with where I'm at, all things considered. I expected much greater things out of myself. The pace must increase.

I did work hard, and that's the thing with a lot of this industry. You plant seeds that sprout many months later, and sometimes they don't sprout at all. It's a demoralization campaign against spammers to separate you in time from the fruits of your labor, but that hurts us all. But I'm not going to let it get me down. There's far more and better active ways to accelerate the pace, and that's what I'll be focusing on with the largest portion of my time this month and for the months to come.

Are you driving it home, hitting the needle-moving tasks hard? Are these tasks bringing in the results you expected? If not, how will you pivot? We can't just be plow mules blindly grinding away. We need to be thinking and doing post-mortem reviews of every activity.

Reflecting is as important as planning.

I'll be doing so below and invite everyone to join in. Let's "work hard (and smart) for the money!"
I just looked at last months thread and the things I wrote on it, versus what I actually ended up doing last month. It's clear that I didn't focus on the tasks laid out in front of me, but that I let the winds pull me wherever they wanted. Part of that was by necessity, and then the rest... I don't know.

I got demotivated a bit with Google playing with the algorithm so much last month. And I'm getting increasingly sick of even thinking about it. I've always said that the goal needs to be doing off-page SEO until you're aged and juicy enough, and then dropping those to only worry about on-page SEO as you keep publishing. That's where my main project is at, but I keep looking at the trees instead of the forest and I'm letting it play mind games on me.

I'm fixing that this month and keeping things simple and easy to digest. All I have to do is keep moving and I can get most, if not all, of this done.

Notes & Goals

Main Project:
- Keep plowing at these 25 money posts I'm working on.
- Outsource the 25 supporting posts to my expert guy.
- Get through those "expand the blog posts" posts.
- Any gaps can be filled from one of my other numerous content goals.

JV Project:
- Get this thing 100% designed so we're no longer thinking about it.
- Get the content outsourced. If it comes back, I'll grind out posting it.
- The above is reasonable. Any leftover time can be used to build links.

- This is important, but will eat up a huge chunk of time. I need to get started.
- It can happen in pieces. I need to stop going all in on one thing at a time and juggle variables instead.
This month's goals are the same as February's and March's: 10 posts spread across the 3 main sites. Switched my smaller laptops (12") for larger ones (15" and 14); we'll see if these help with the writing.

I'd love to get back to 60 posts per month, but my focus is just not there yet. A big part of it is just a lack of faith in both Google and Amazon; it's hard to plant the seeds when you don't trust the ground you're standing on.

Nonetheless, I don't feel like switching out thousands of affiliate links and every day the sites bring money in is a vote to keep heading in this direction, so we'll see.
My only goal this month is content.

No matter if podcast based or article based, its about content.

SERPWoo has underserved ( in content ) the noob and the C class executive in many regards. It just happens, it wasn't intended.

Sometimes you focus on one area because it's comfortable.

Time to change it up some.

- Post here more (jk/ semi srs)
- Hit 80 articles on my site.
- Client rankings++

This is all.
- Client project (sites 1,2,3) out of the door and billed
- Back to work on Floating elephant
- FInalize layout for project C
  • Keep cranking out content (60+)
  • Code automation bots for new posts.
  • Outreach & grab atleast 30 links
  • Grow social media followers to atleast 3 digits.
Main Project
  • Complete primary content offer. It's a self help guide in the health niche that will end up being around 10,000 words spread over several pages of content - 25-30 hours.
  • Shoot three videos for the site. 8 hours on my end writing/posting/seo, partner will handle shooting and editing.
  • Get 10 more pieces of awareness level content out to writers. 8 hours.
Side Projects
  • SP1: Finish site. It's a simple three page site I'm setting up for some consulting work. Just need to finish a bit of the design and add the copy. 4 hours.
  • SP2: Not going to spend much time on this one in the coming months, but I would like to get a foundation built and indexed. It's an 11 letter brandable EMD in the food niche. Going to power that out this coming weekend. 20 hours.
  • I want April to be the first month I actually stick to Keto for a month.
  • Still working on getting a good routine and discipline established, but getting better. Old habits and all. My key is the morning. If I blow that my day is usually much less productive. So I'll be working extra hard to keep my 8-12 shift on track. Still working the full day, but I want that morning to run like clockwork.
  • Starting a period of sobriety. Got some events in the first half of the month, but after those I'll be laying off the drink and cannabis for the summer. I expect to make a lot more money or lose my mind.
  • Secure 10 live guest posts
  • Create a plan for ranking every money page on my site
  • Post 15 articles
  • Design a new logo
  • Start site redesign (slowly, if I don’t have time it’s not getting done)
Keep on learning more & more about this industry.

I found a great way to learn was by learning the language. I swear you folks have the highest ratio of acronyms per words in the entire known universe!

So far I have amassed a list of well over 190 acronyms ... :smile:

I think I've almost caught up.

When I started this journey I didn't even know what PPC meant ... lol!

Have a great April!!!
So we still have 17 days left in April and here is my list for the month:

Finish WP Theme Change to BSL (ETA 1 day)
- place logo and check if all content is formatted ok​

Publish 1st Big Comparison Table (ETA 2 days)
- write buyers guide
- find and add a few pics for each of the "best" gadget in each of the main 5 categories​

Make Comparison Video Template
- compare gadgets, 2 by 2, and link back to my big table (ETA 3 days)
- publish one YouTube video comparison (ETA 1 day)​

Pinterest Content Curation
- publish one post curating the best pins on one of my boards; re-host all images, linking back to original content owners (ETA 3 days)
- recycle the images and publish YouTube video (ETA 1 day)​

11 estimated days and 17 days left, so I still have some room for managing busier days where I can't get anything done.

If I get to the end of the month with days left and all tasks finished, I'll use that time to publish extra comparison videos.
April has ended and I managed to complete these two tasks:
Finish WP Theme Change to BSL
Publish 1st Big Comparison Table

I gave up on these two because I figured it wasn't worth the effort I would put to produce low-quality content:
Make Comparison Video Template
Pinterest Content Curation

I used the rest of my time on writing and publishing more comparison tables -- I am currently publishing my 4th table. It takes me around 4 days to gather and organize all data, plus write a short article (800-1,000 words) on the subject.

Right now all I am doing is to publish related content and increase my topic relevance in one sub-niche I cover within my site. I figured I would do this first, let everything simmer on Google, and then work on marketing and promotion.

Main Project:
- Keep plowing at these 25 money posts I'm working on.
Acceptible: I made progress on these, although not as much as I'd have liked. I assumed they would be done by now but more and more things always pop up to distract you. Some are urgent and some need to be told "no." I encountered both this month, perhaps failed in some places where I should have flat out said no.​

- Outsource the 25 supporting posts to my expert guy.
Fail: I just flat out didn't do this yet. It's going to require keyword research and setting up content briefs and I simply never got around to it. Having them done and in draft form would be better than not having the writing done at all. I need to get this done.​

- Get through those "expand the blog posts" posts.
Acceptible: I'm so close to done with all these. I just need to do one a day till they're done.​

- Any gaps can be filled from one of my other numerous content goals.
Acceptible: I did make some headway on this, whipping up a post when I needed to keep the drip schedule together.​

JV Project:
- Get this thing 100% designed so we're no longer thinking about it.
- Get the content outsourced. If it comes back, I'll grind out posting it.
- The above is reasonable. Any leftover time can be used to build links.
Fail: We both got too busy and didn't touch this even one bit. Sometimes that's how it goes. You have to focus on what earns to maintain and scale it. We'll get this seed planted ASAP though. It's pretty close to being ready for content drips and link acquisition, which can be a one-a-day type of thing.​

- This is important, but will eat up a huge chunk of time. I need to get started.
- It can happen in pieces. I need to stop going all in on one thing at a time and juggle variables instead.
Fail: I didn't get any where with this but a lead still came in just from my reputation. I'll follow it up today, but I really need to get this set up too. So little time!​

There are far too many fails on that list, but I'll accept them this month because I got quite a bit done in other areas, including aiding the redesign and other backend changes for Builder Society, which I'm always happy to contribute to and give back to the community at large, even more so here since I consider this my internet home.
  • Keep cranking out content (60+) - Done
  • Code automation bots for new posts. Done
  • Outreach & grab atleast 30 links - Failed
  • Grow social media followers to atleast 3 digits. - Failed
This month's goals are the same as February's and March's: 10 posts spread across the 3 main sites. Switched my smaller laptops (12") for larger ones (15" and 14); we'll see if these help with the writing.

I'd love to get back to 60 posts per month, but my focus is just not there yet. A big part of it is just a lack of faith in both Google and Amazon; it's hard to plant the seeds when you don't trust the ground you're standing on.

Nonetheless, I don't feel like switching out thousands of affiliate links and every day the sites bring money in is a vote to keep heading in this direction, so we'll see.

Hit the month's goals again and had the highest Amazon #s since February 2017 (before the chop). Sold the 14", kept the 15."
  • Secure 10 live guest posts - Done
  • Create a plan for ranking every money page on my site - Done
  • Post 15 articles - Done
  • Design a new logo - Not Done
  • Start site redesign (slowly, if I don’t have time it’s not getting done) - Not Done
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