Goals for December 2018


Final Boss ®
BuSo Pro
Boot Camp
Digital Strategist
Sep 15, 2014

This is it folks - the final month. Everything we've reached for, accomplished, still are failing at, and still desire while striving for - this is the final month of 2018 and we're in the home stretch.

I know personally there are a ton of things I owe people or are outstanding, I gotta let go of what's not important to my personal goals. I also have to let go of baggage I've been carrying around over the weeks, months, and years - it accumulates quickly if you don't stop it in it's tracks.

There are also projects which people here can related to, that I don't know if they are just right, maybe I should, maybe I shouldn't - you know what, Just Do It! If it's important - do it! If it's not, drop it and move on.

For me, I got rid of a ton of random bills for stuff I didn't need, outstanding obligations/nonsense that cluttered my head, deleted tons of domains - if the project was decent I would have started it, and trimmed down what I need to focus on a lot - but there is still a ways to go. I can say that I'm in a better place mentally and physically that I was a year ago. And next December I plan on being in an even better place - but that means I have to finish off this December stronger than ever, and then go into 2019 with a winning mentality.

For me to progress forward I must sacrifice.

"He who would accomplish little need sacrifice little; he who would achieve much must sacrifice much. He who would attain highly must sacrifice greatly." - James Allen, As a Man Thinketh

I know I've sacrificed a lot - and at times I hated myself for it, but without those sacrifices I wouldn't be where I am today. And in order to obtain a even higher level - more must be done.

My more begins in December.

Don't forget to hit the trifecta:
Dec 1st
I took an easy day to recharge while trying to knock out chores and do all of my Christmas shopping. I got half of the gifts bought, but I was fighting the same struggle we all do, which is to come up with ideas of what to get people with no special interests who are adults and already bought everything they wanted for themselves.

Dec 2nd
I hope to finish up the Christmas shopping tonight, even if I have to get a bit more generic gifts. It's better off done. I've done some more chores and now I'm at the computer to do my "End of the Month" number crunching and maintenance like disavow and making sure my domains aren't expiring on me, etc. I also figured out how to approach a problem on my site that needs solved (navigation related), so this week should be straight productivity. Everything is mapped out, it's just a matter of doing it.
Dec 3rd
Spent all day getting lazy loading going on a project now that Google is giving the go-ahead. It's in place on probably 85% of the site now. It's easy to apply in bulk across a lot of places thanks to how the PHP runs through filters to compile the pages. But I'm slapping it on everything, which meant a lot of manual work through templates as well. I'll wrap it up in the first half of tomorrow and never have to look back. Should make a big usability boost and hopefully a faster meaningful first paint.
Dec 4th
Lazy loading complete. I started adding some more speed optimizations, doing everything I can to cut down on the time to the first meaningful paint. I started with some preconnect / dns-prefetch for some 3rd party files and am going to round it off tomorrow with some HTTP/2 Server Push to get some render blocking files loaded earlier. There's simply some you can't defer or async. After that I think I'll revert my 3rd party font back to async and see if that gets me there faster, depending on the final results.
Dec 1st: Coded PHP version of slack notification system and started implementing it into php system scripts. Updated main servers.

Dec 2nd: Implemented new slack logging for critical systems throughout 70% of the backend system, and 50% of the user's GUI.

Dec 3rd: Meeting about weekly and monthly projections as well as re-organizing workflow and feature launches alongside marketing - Part 2. Scheduled some internal function updates that have to be completed by a certain date.

Got rid of 2 major obligations clouding my mind. Got 3 more left then my brain is free.

Did some updates to a client site - goal is to complete this project and be client free in 2019.

Started alpha testing a new feature that's going to take ORM to a new level.

Dec 4th: Found a major bug within new Quantum interface, fixed it, but was problematic. Updated c language code for some Quantum backend processing to help alleviate some processing stress. Updated 2 Quantum interfaces with better detailed for Tags and Alerts based off of feedback from a group of users.

Wrote new function that makes updates within Quantum 4x faster than before - written in c language for even better speed.

Made security updates and hardened client's project site.

Spent an hour catching up with a close old friend.

Dec 5th: Worked on a small update to the API. New API will be fully CRUD so that's some exciting news that will be announced soon.

Fixed a mega glitch within SERP-View initial loading within Quantum - logic was faulty, but now is up-to par with V3 interface.

Wrote new interface panel and code for maintenance modes of new backend functionality.

Dec 6th: Wrote code to fine-tune and self-correct the SERP-View for Quantum. Revisited new maintenance interface to add new functionalities to help understand how much load the system is processing.

Also fixed a bug found within Demo account within Quantum.

Dec 7th: Wrote new functionality code for SERP-View that helps it connect to historical databases faster. Found a small bug within the view range logic that has to be addressed soon.

Dec 8th: Fixed a bug found in V3 interface for users with utf8 problematic characters.

Talked to 4 customers about a new feature we are alpha testing and got some valuable feedback.

Some server updates started increasing RAM usage and causing delays in processing - had to investigate and report on potential fix.

Dec 9th: Found a new server bug that was a result of an OS upgrade - fixed. Created to Mako Widgets in our administration panel to view if a potential problem does occur with the new set of servers.

Tons of website updates for client project. Lots and lots and lots of edits.

Dec 10th: Monday morning meeting. Set new projection and benchmark goals for next 2 years of growth. Created a draft for a marketing blitz that focuses on 3 customer profiles we target.

Found a way to upgrade php WITHOUT apache! (Run "apt-mark hold apache2*"), then do your upgrades - ridiculous you can't install php or new versions of php without apache2...

Made a round of updates and upgrades to half a dozen servers.

Looked into multi-processing functionality of c language for SERP Sightings feature.

Found and fixed a bug within API server. Updated API's user interface.

Dec 11th: Found a mega mobile bug that impacts about 5% of mobile keywords. Looking into this most of the day.

Created a new backend panel to control new aspects of backend process.

Updated 32 servers with missing library due to OS update.

Updated server Mako widgets with new processing due to new updates.

Tons of client updates came in last second - fixed them. Implemented a new click to call functionality that works for a franchise with multiple locations.

Updated SERP-View interface and fixed a bug that was overlooked.

Worked on finalizing new feature that's being "attempted" to launch this week.
I can't remember what all I did, but thankfully cataloged it all here in my case study thread. I need to start keeping notes daily in a journal.

The short of it is:
  • Content Adding
  • Content Pruning
  • Archive Restructuring
  • Web 2.0 with Pruned Content
  • Cleaned up Internal Links
  • Sidebar Redesign
  • Lazy Loading
  • Preloading & Preconnecting
  • CSS Repackaging
  • Index Cleaning
  • Enhanced Mobile Navigation
I'm still working on the new desktop navigation experience. I had a mobile menu and a desktop menu rendering separately in the source code, so two menus. Since I was changing both I took the opportunity to turn them into just one menu and see if I could pull off the CSS / jQuery work needed to make it all work out correctly. It's a pain but I'm nearly there. When I can squeeze out free time for my own work I'll finish that off.

All of the above, stacked on top of the work I had already done left me with this:


Feels good, man.

I found a problem with a loop I had written and my pagination, so when I deleted tons of posts and expanded the number of posts shown, I had tons of old archive pages like /page/32. The problem was, they weren't showing 404's like they should. I fixed that, and also discovered why Google keeps indexing a sub-folder I have blocked off with robots.txt, which I'll fix too. I'm seeing my indexation drop off now to where it should be, which I hope provides a big visibility boost to the remaining pages.

I also accepted two new jobs:
  • Site Speed Optimization
  • Site Build & Design
Both of these parties have already provided nearly everything I need to get the work done, which is usually a bulk of the time eaten up with these projects: waiting on responses and getting login info. They had it to me on day one, and now I'm on the grind with these throughout the holidays. Both are exciting and fun. The Website needs a Japanese flair to it, which will be a blast. They came to the right builder!

That's where I'm at and what the rest of this month will look like, and parts of early January for the site build.
Dec 12th: Did a final update for one client on their server which I'm letting go. Had to give them all GoDaddy, and server access codes and wish them good luck. Time is better spent on my own projects. Alpha tested a new caching script for saving of data within SW. We'll see how it goes throughout the next 90 days.

Dec 13th: Found a logic bug within the new SW Sharing feature, fixed. Updated various parts of the Quantum interface to showcase better visuals on "no data" scenarios. Added some up-selling functionalities that show to free users to help them onboard and upgrade faster.

Dec 14th: Fixed a bug within Quantum Interface's payment processing. Worked on a new way for user's to select the client they want to filter the interface for. Found a interface glitch that shows on mobile - but SW isn't made for mobile so not really a major problem. Yeah sounds crazy but you can't display the amount of data we have properly on mobile - trust me we've been researching and trying.

Dec 15th: Worked on the Client Switch Model that will filter the interface for clients. Old drop-down would only allow 10 clients until it started looking ridiculous, which means it wasn't going to be friendly for agencies/enterprise customers once officially launched.

Dec 16th: Deleted 8 domains that were about to re-new. Down to less than 30 domains now. Some are legacy stuff that I keep along with the .net and .org versions. Other are actual projects that launched. Any "idea" projects are always deleted if they haven't launched or been developed. If it was a GREAT idea I would have done it by now.

Launched new Client Interface Filter which is better suited for enterprise level clients. Users can now have up-to 1000 clients and 1000 shared clients and have no problems selecting the correct one. Probably should add a search filter later on.

Created a checklist of to-dos for final rundown on a client's website design project. I can't believe I accepted a website project TBH.

There is an old Greek myth about a gentleman who was looking for Mt. Olympus. On his journey, he asked directions of an elderly man who turned out to be Socrates. When the traveler asked how to get to Mt. Olympus, the old sage responded in in his reflective tradition: "Be sure every step you take is in that direction."

Dec 17th: Had Monday Morning meeting with business partner. Did various interface updates to help users see their data better.

As a hobby going to follow a person for 30 days to absorb their strategy in another industry.

Talked to client about their website project - have a problem with mobile on a customised service page that need to be figured out. A bit complicating cause again mobile's screens are too small for some functionality desires.

Implemented new logic code to help reduce wasted energy and resources within our email system.

Dec 18th: Found a bug that was causing "no data" problems within the SERP View (Quantum) and fixed it. Added new "Top X" Search Positions columns to Domains/URLs and Keywords data within Quick glance.

"Act as though as if it were impossible to fail."

Fixed another 2 bugs found within Quantum - this beta is a bit long winded but that's cause of all the c language code. A single slip up in the logic there and disasters can occur.

Automated a new script that will look for bad data and reset their attempts in processing on the backend.

Dec 19th: Wrote email draft about new featured being launched and things in the works for the next month.

Made some improvements to the logic for client switching - certain interfaces will need a full page re-load cause of the nature of the data.

Made a monitoring widget to help distinguish user's using the old interface versus new. Looking at adoption rate so we understand what's working and what's not.

Fixed a logic bug within client interface filter - users with 1 client were unable to see the 1 client unless they added another.

Added 2 new Pricing plans available within Quantum - Platinum Plus and Diamond Plus to help fill in the gaps for users that desired more keywords - 15K and 50K respectively.

Found a way to upgrade Ubuntu 16.10 to 18.04!: https://www.linuxbabe.com/ubuntu/upgrade-ubuntu-16-10-17-04-to-ubuntu-18-04

Dec 20th: Woke up to a Keyword Finder bug that impacted about 10% of the users in the last week. Took 3 hours but fixed it. Made various long overdue logic fixes to Keyword Finder while I was in the code.

Talked to 2 customers about Quantum interface and helped them get familiar with it.

Gathered some ideas about potential blog posts from competitors. Went into Trello and deleted EVERYTHING since we don't use Trello, and started over with a blank setup. Going to use that for Marketing Blitzes.

Re-organised Basecamp and deleted out-of-date ideas and test projects that never got anywhere. The main goal is for the first 90 days of 2019 is to concentrate on features that move the needle and create a better user experience based on past feedback. Long overdue functions and features that Agency/Enterprise customers NEED to function.

Dec 21st: Finished Share Invite feature! Set live but not announced. Users can now share clients (a group of projects) or a single project with another user - whether it's an employee, contractor worker, or the client themselves. The owner of the client/project has the ability to allow editing capabilities or not.

The invitation system is designed to be as smooth as possible - if the user already has a SW account it will auto-accept if the option is enabled within their My Account panel (enabled for all users by default). If not, it will send an email with an invitation link, they click it, and go through the processing of logging in or creating an account, and voila the client/project is there without having to think. We'll see how this experiment goes.

Agencies were begging for this one feature to help organise them so now it's here. I'm wondering if we should change the labeling from "client" to "team", cause the first customer to use it is a global brand that has different teams around the world and not necessary a "client" since it is their brand - we'll see.

Dec 22nd: Found a Quantum bug that impacted users who's ISP will dynamically change their IP address for certain repeating requests - looks like a caching system, but that caused users to get logged out in certain instances since their IP address changed. Spent 3 hours debugging it with @Ryuzaki and things are good to go now. Some of the weird things you find when deep in the code is wild.

Fixed a glitch within the preview reports that was created when we launched the Shared feature. Wild MYSQL logic bug - if a database is blank the logic would fail in a table comparison query.

Dec 23rd: Fixed some logic bugs for groupies (people who have been shared on a client/project).

Dec 24th: Monday Morning meeting. Made some color adjustments to the Quantum interface where blue will represent links (also underlining the links - looks bad but better for user experience). Made an update to the Single Project View interface for updated alerts/tags.

Dec 25th: Made some minor updates to the CSS for internal links. Found a logic fault for groupies adding a project to a client - on it's way to the bug factory. Took rest of the day off.

Dec 26th: Cleaned up Basecamp even more - getting ready for 2019. Confirmed a bug was fixed with Visuals for Chrome in Windows 10. Attempted to stomp out some outstanding glitch bugs within Quantum, some success, some failures. A user is still getting the jumping glitch on Windows Chrome and Firefox, and Mac OS X Chrome.

Sent out a message to a customer that needed the share feature for his teams. He's the first to start sharing. The feature is live but has not been announced yet.

Various updated to logic were implemented for groupies that slipped through the cracks. Made a to-do list of share functionalities still needed to implemented throughout the system.

Dec 27th: Worked on the backend most of the day - updated scripts that needed to be ready for quantum functions. Started frameworking a new options panel called "Interface Customisation" - this will allow users to create customised tags, change color scheme for the SERP View, and some other various interface customisation that will be introduced down the road.

Also got a good idea from a blogpost from a customer doing a "review" of tracking tools that we might create.

Dec 28th: Worked on Tag Management system. Also got a new idea from a user that re-signed up that can take ORM and competitor tracking to a new level. Going to framework potentially how that idea can be implemented with least disturbance to our features timeline.

Fixed an Intercom bug that is caused by Ad Blockers. Found a segment of our users were not getting some onboarding messages. As a sign of proof of concept NONE of our paid users have been blocking Intercom - so those onboarding emails are 100% working, but if a free user doesn't see intercom they are less likely to become a paying member. To fix this problem I created a script that detected whether intercom is blocked or not and notify the user of the problem communicating with Support they'll experience.

Dec 29th: More work on the Tag Management system. Made some updates on the Quantum interface and fixed a UTF-8 problem within an interface.

Looked into creating a free tool that will help Local SEOs and spread the word about our brand - got this idea from the Newbie Question(s) so dumb, you're afraid to even ask! thread. This is a part of the "Interactive content" / "Tools" from the compelling content ideas (Creating "Compelling" Content). Basically making content or a tool that will naturally gain links from being so useful and therefore grow the brand's exposure.

Dec 30th: Finished the major logic lookup part of the Local SEO tool we'll be launching. Need to clean up the code, create the HTML, and then the marketing piece to go with it. Started working on mapping the Report Builder to Quantum. Once finished all the new report types we've been working on and getting feedback from will start rolling out back to back - goal is to hit the userbase with back to back features in rapid succession over the coming weeks. Right now we are finalising the loose ends to the features we want to push out and creating the marketing blitz schedule. Let's see how things go!

Dec 31th: Worked on the Quantum Report Builder for most of the day. Took rest of the day off after 6pm. Here comes 2019!


Overall writing down publicly what I did showed some insight to myself about how I work. It's a bit more disorganised than I liked, but realistically none of the great things we do in life every come in a perfectly organised fashion. All greatest comes out of chaos. I've come to grip that chaos is what creates opportunity and to think that you'll be able to organise or master chaos is foolish. It's better to be content with how you work - and yet still improve upon it daily - move the needle 1% a day and you'll see far superior results versus attempting Hail Maries.

Already 5 days into 2019, I've cancelled 2 projects that were going nowhere - have to finalise this one website design project and then that's that, so that's easy weight off my shoulders.