Goals for May, 2015

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BuSo Pro
Boot Camp
Jun 15, 2014
We're just about in the middle of 2015. Are you going to do anything differently, or stay on track? How's your year going so far?
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Yeah I'm going for a mixed approach, think 80/20...

I'm sticking with what's been working and what's making me the majority of my income... That's being applied across the board. So I'm keeping one client, who I value a hell of a lot and not just for the money. It's a pleasure working with this dude.

I've scrapped a bunch of projects that I had ideas for and vague plans about. You all know the type, the ones where you don't actually do anything but spend a load of time beating yourself up about not doing.

Not been on BuSo for a while actually and I'm pretty psyched to be back... That's all because I've been phasing out certain things and have a little extra time on my hands. I see this place as a great resource for learning and not feeling like I'm an alien.. lol :wink:

Early 2015 has been a success in many ways though so it's just a rinse and repeat there. I'll also be continuing to focus on forming better habits which has been a massive success since reading 'The Power of Habit' by Charles Duhigg in Jan'.

Diversity has been key to keeping my momentum going this year, o' course we all have our main event so to speak... Thing is though motivation can drop almost out of nowhere sometimes, so I made sure to have at least a few non-essential projects I can mess around with and try new things without the doubt.

Yeah man, pretty excited actually and I'm turning 25 next week. #Ready
So.. May...
  • Python Continue work on python. For this month:
    • Some scraping
    • Test working/ implementing neural network
  • Job
    • 5 applications for new jobs
      • I really don't think that one job in the pipeline is gonna work out, so .. more more more
    • Get Google analytics certificate
      • Yay?
  • Blindape Three new articles for blind ape
  • Freelance
    • Repeated pitch at two restaurant sites for new features. I have to get this guy to commit.
  • Drone Site
    • 20 articles, again.. probly more
  • Weight loss site - borked seo project
    • Continue to work on it. Also have an appointment with the doc to discuss business.
busy busy
Cleared my Hosting account from all the websites that didn't bring in income and that I didn't touch for the last 6 months+.

Especially after my hosting provider shut down my sites until I fix the malware from my files that turned out to be 300 false positive. They destroyed my numerous htaccess files with my own custom code and the reason was "Well we need to replace them by our own so it can show our default page while you clean your hosting files from malware" ... idiots, I hate them and the support brought me to an empty zip file where my files were supposed to be backup. At least I have copies on my computer of those files so it wasn't that bad to fix.

Announced my partner (from the new project that I talked about in my introduction page about spreading myself on too many projects) that I won't have the time to work on it as planned and that I will take a 10% fee for the clients I introduced.

I now have 4 SEO clients on my plate and most of them have been my clients for a few months/years already so it is already stable and not time-consuming.

I now have only 2 main projects.

The first is the e-commerce and stores that are growing and I am opening another store location in 9 days on a great avenue that I think will be super successful.

I've been testing paid ads traffic for my other startup project and I've been surprised to see that I am paying 10 times less than I expected and needed to be to have a positive ROI. I've always been doing SEO for my projects and seeing that I can generate such traffic that convert with my 1 untested landing page and my clunky ads that have only 2 versions is mind blowing for me.

Goal for May is to stick with those 2 projects and refuse new clients unless it is totally worth my time from the amount they are ready to pay, test more with GSA and FCS. Start to test different exit popups for my projects and clients sites. Work on micromanaging funnels with activecampaign
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Bluehost, they also gracefully went from a 50$ fee to go trough site doctor service to 199$ for the same service where they look at your files and "clean" them and turn your account on. Last time I used it for convenience, but at 199$ I just went trough it fast and told them everything was fine and that they were better turn my account back on.
Lots of different stuff going on there @emp - thoughts on consolidation?
Lots of different stuff going on there @emp - thoughts on consolidation?

Thing is, I hold a 9-5 as well, and will have to in the future as well.
Yeah, I have not reached the "Earn insane amounts stable" level with IM needed to live in Switzerland with family - yet. Fuck this country is expensive.

So the whole "Job" area can not be consolidated.

However, I can learn python here, as we use it in some newer projects.
Disclosure: I am the team lead development / CTO / whatever - guess who wanted to learn python and guess who decided to use it on those projects?

To be real, this is probably the thing that will die.

As for the online/IM things, the stomach balloon site is the most important one right now, that is what my time goes into.
Posting a few new articles on a blog isn't really that hard, even if some people think making a post a day is the worst grind they've ever endured.

Which leads me to blindapeseo.

I really should stop posting things like this on forums and make them articles instead, eh?

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