Goals for May 2016

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Final Boss ®
BuSo Pro
Boot Camp
Digital Strategist
Sep 15, 2014

Winter is Coming... During the long winter very few men go out of their way to generate new revenue, wealth, and create a better future for tomorrow. A lot of men simply "take it easy" when the first snow falls. But taking it easy every year means nothing if you have not put in the late nights during the long summer to get to your goals of a nice winter tucked in your comfy bed. So when the winter snows do fall a hundred feet high and the white... Christmas sales walkers storm the stores, will you be among them, or will you curse yourself for not taking that extra day or two every week to create an extra cushion of money so you can enjoy nice fat turkey feasts during the long winter.

Today is exactly 122 days of this year with 366 days. For the mathematically challenged today marks 1/3 of the year gone, done. When you look back on how you spent the first 3rd of the year, are you proud, or could you have pushed yourself a bit harder. We're in the end game of 2016 men, and what you do for the next 122 days will create the revenue and wealth to sustain the long winter.

If it wasn't grind season before, it's definitely grind season now. Use the long summer to create a better tomorrow for yourself and those who you surround yourself with, push a little harder and utilize creative tactics to get your attack strategy executed. For after the long summer there will be an even longer winter, will you be ready to bear it?

Don't forget to update your April 2016 Goals with what you accomplished, what you failed at, and how you plan on moving forward.

It also can be a great time to update your overall 2016 goals in order to pivot, get rid of dead projects, or re-energize your end game.
- Grow page to 20k
- $200 +
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April Goals:
  • build more links to my flip project (killed it)
  • get more clients / finish current client projects
  • build out my agency site
  • do a link building heist (didn't get any links but it was an interesting project)
  • finish my diploma thesis
  • use more gifs
Could have definitely done more. So in May will be even more hustle. I'm feeling kind of unsettled right now because there are so many distractions around me and I'm not reaching my goals as fast as I want to.

May Goals:
  • client work to get more budget
  • writing blog posts to establish an authority
I spent my last work session of April taking stock of my main project, seeing what was completed, what remained to hit certain milestones, etc. I mapped out an action plan, and I won't make it through but perhaps the first part in May, but here's the idea:

- Pump out about 30 blog posts in categories that are still thin, scheduling them at one per week into the far future, freeing me of content pressures for a bit.

- Start chipping away at more T2 content, which takes an exponentially much longer time to create but it's the money makers and the rankers.

- Wrap up what I've been considering the foundational link building.​

Once those things are done, my focus is going to narrow to the three most effective things I feel I could be doing right now:

1) Traffic Leaks as frequently as possible

2) Outreach for links to new content, old content, whatever.

3) Stealing rankings from weaker competitors. If they are ranking front page for something with their horrible on-page SEO and low amount of juice, then I'll publish a post for that keyword and immediately steal the rankings. I want to do this for every low-level competitor I can find, then move up the ladder. It's an easy way to analyze the level of competition on keywords and have them handed to you in a neat little basket, while at the same time starving out any would be competitors.​

These are my goals for the month and for as long as it takes to get to the 1/2/3 list, then I want to ride there for as long as I can, hopefully making huge impacts on my bottom line.
Looking over my business strategy last night, and getting some help from @Ryuzaki gave me some vision on how to proceed forward. Gracias for that, sir.

I spent yesterday searching for an expired domain to use as site #3 in my journal, and found one with killer metrics to use, and tons of existing high quality links. Their loss is my gain.


I also found another ~40 domains I can use as part of a private blog network for site #3 once I get to that point.

I also went through site #2 in my journal, and started writing down every aspect that needs to be completed so I can start promoting it in the community.

Taking advice from Ryuzaki about site #1, I'm going to get it to a point of "completion" and start sending a few links to it every month, until I can afford to pay a writer in the niche to produce content for me.

I'm going to shift my main focus from a niche, into two verticals that are worth billions of dollars every year, and are a lot easier for me to spend my days focused on, than the topic in site #1.

So my goals for May are:

Continue going through the Crash Course, building my skills through practice on sites #2 and #3.

I'm on Day #4 as I write this out, and will be setting up site #2 according to the tutorials, then repeat the process on site #3 in June.

Site #1
Fix the onpage optimization and clean up the site.
Install AdSense & Optimize layout.
Buy (5) RankNest links monthly, going forward.

Site #2

Create Branding / Logos
Create "Start Here" Guide + Videos (5 Pages)
- Sub: Setup AdWords / Bing Ads Campaign To The Guide
Create (13) Site / Navigational Pages
Create (12) Pillar Tutorials / Link Bait
Create Lead Magnet and (15) Autoresponder Emails
Create (25) Short FAQ Videos + Pages

Site #3
Perform Extensive Keyword Research.
Organize Keywords Into Silos.
Create Branding / Logos

I've got my work cut out for me, but there's 31 days in the month, and I need to get prepared for the long winter months.

I'd consider last month a success, as far as generating income through client work goes, and making as much headway as I did on site #1. Now I want to double down in May.
My goals for this month are simple:

1. SAAS #1 - Get old features completely ported over from old interface.

2. SAAS #2 - Get membership area framework completed.

3. Side-Project #1 - Get this completed 100% and launched.

4. Side-Project #2 - Get the design 80% of the way done.


After the side-projects are complete, NO MORE side-projects unless there are bigger up-fronts for the rest of 2016.
I want to finally learn how to traffic leak.
  • Create new functionality needed to expand monetization.
  • Pitch 2 potential clients on program with above function.
  • Build out community generated site section & reach out to 10 potential contributers.
  • Do linking outreach to 50+ similar type targets.
  • Update my homepage to V3 to improve brand + improve rankings for homepage.
  • Create documentation on business processes. Identify areas to outsource. Create a schedule of regular tasks that is strict with time.
  • Improve rev 10% vs April
My goals for this month are simple:

1. SAAS #1 - Get old features completely ported over from old interface.

2. SAAS #2 - Get membership area framework completed.

3. Side-Project #1 - Get this completed 100% and launched.

4. Side-Project #2 - Get the design 80% of the way done.

1. Got a major featured ported over and running extremely smoothly, better than I expected. But it's now time to double down and get some of the last features moved and new features live as well.

2. I'm not happy where we are at here. It's just going to require more late nights of grinding.

3. Side-Project #1 - It's at 95%, a ton of proofreading and and on-page edits is required, but have to get this hashed out ASAP.

4. Side-Project #2 - Design is 100% complete, now time to flesh this out with content.

Overall even though I didn't complete these projects, my nature tells me the wins are there since so much improvement's been done throughout. If these were simple MFA or wordpress theme CPA offers one or two weeks would be no problem, but since they are brand projects that will have staying power for several years the extra time here and there I know will be worth it, but it's the 25th hour and time to get the show on the road.
Looking over my business strategy last night, and getting some help from @Ryuzaki gave me some vision on how to proceed forward. Gracias for that, sir.

I spent yesterday searching for an expired domain to use as site #3 in my journal, and found one with killer metrics to use, and tons of existing high quality links. Their loss is my gain.


I also found another ~40 domains I can use as part of a private blog network for site #3 once I get to that point.

I also went through site #2 in my journal, and started writing down every aspect that needs to be completed so I can start promoting it in the community.

Taking advice from Ryuzaki about site #1, I'm going to get it to a point of "completion" and start sending a few links to it every month, until I can afford to pay a writer in the niche to produce content for me.

I'm going to shift my main focus from a niche, into two verticals that are worth billions of dollars every year, and are a lot easier for me to spend my days focused on, than the topic in site #1.

So my goals for May are:

Continue going through the Crash Course, building my skills through practice on sites #2 and #3.

I'm on Day #4 as I write this out, and will be setting up site #2 according to the tutorials, then repeat the process on site #3 in June.

Site #1
Fix the onpage optimization and clean up the site.
Install AdSense & Optimize layout.
Buy (5) RankNest links monthly, going forward.

Site #2

Create Branding / Logos
Create "Start Here" Guide + Videos (5 Pages)
- Sub: Setup AdWords / Bing Ads Campaign To The Guide
Create (13) Site / Navigational Pages
Create (12) Pillar Tutorials / Link Bait
Create Lead Magnet and (15) Autoresponder Emails
Create (25) Short FAQ Videos + Pages

Site #3
Perform Extensive Keyword Research.
Organize Keywords Into Silos.
Create Branding / Logos

I've got my work cut out for me, but there's 31 days in the month, and I need to get prepared for the long winter months.

I'd consider last month a success, as far as generating income through client work goes, and making as much headway as I did on site #1. Now I want to double down in May.

The month's gone already. Hmm. Looking over my goals, I did manage to make some good progress on site #1, and rankings are steadily increasing.

Site #1 got it's branding, along with the "Start Here" guide and 5 videos completed. I also recorded 3 of the 25 FAQ videos, and created a lead magnet. I setup the 13 navigational pages, and abanded the 12 pillar articles. I also didn't get the 15 autoresponder emails completed.

Site #3 has 17 posts on it now, all interlinked and silo'd. A majority of the posts have reached page 3, and are still steadily increasing.

Client work is still on the climb. Now, I'm figuring out ways to increase my rates, and attract more high end clients who can afford those rates.

I need to take a step back, analyze the month, and figure out where I can improve going into June. Once I do, I'll make my goals for June a bit more achievable.
- Pump out about 30 blog posts in categories that are still thin, scheduling them at one per week into the far future, freeing me of content pressures for a bit.

I didn't remotely hit 30, which is fine. I think I did 10 total, but that freed up a ton of time to focus on T2 posts, which was the main point...

- Start chipping away at more T2 content, which takes an exponentially much longer time to create but it's the money makers and the rankers.

Knocked out 2 real money makers and 3 supporting ones. These are taking about two days each to write and get the graphics together, but they'll last forever. I'm focusing on buying-intent articles and then trying to write tangentially related ones to link back as little silo's. It's working well so far! Will mention in my case study after I wrap up this post.

- Wrap up what I've been considering the foundational link building.

Didn't touch this but I'm getting real itchy to wrap this up. It'll be another boost in traffic I'm sure and then I'll never have to look at it again. What I'm calling "foundational" is absurd, because it's more like 500 referring domains I'm getting links on. They may not be the juiciest but they'll have their impact and especially let me absorb tons of juice in rapid fire later and help me survive any attacks that may happen.

1) Traffic Leaks as frequently as possible

Didn't do it but I have a post I wanted to leak. I hesitated because I didn't think it had the potential to go "all the way" but who cares. I've got CPM ads up now, so I'll take a half-way win or even less. I'm going to leak this tomorrow on a high traffic platform and take whatever I get.
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