Goals for November 2017

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BuSo Pro
Digital Strategist
Sep 3, 2014
Well, well, well... It's go time! The holidays are here.


Maybe you sold some Halloween outfits in October, but now it's time for the bum rush of:
  • Black Friday
  • Cyber Monday
  • Christmas Shopping
  • People rationalizing buying themselves stuff...
Now, more than ever, is the time to start practicing your Traffic Leaks (maybe review the Traffic Leaks Boot Camp) and general marketing. It's time to put SEO aside and be proactive. It's time to start thinking about putting your content in front of as many eyes as possible, crafting the perfect micro-copy to start dropping cookies, getting high-buying-intent visitors to your landers you had all year to optimize for conversions.

Fortunes are made this month and next.

This is how you should be spending Christmas Eve, in front of the fireplace, completely satisfied with how November and December went:


How do you plan on getting your piece of the pie?
It's too late for me to worry about this Holiday season.

However, I am preparing for 2018. Specifically EOY 2018.

Thats right, Q4 of 2018 is getting prepped now.

I am planning to step out of my comfort zone in a very big way and I need to chip away at these plans a little a day.

At the same time, my 2018 has to be bigger than my 2017 overall. Those plans also need to be prepared.

This is the quarter that could impact the next 4 that are coming.

Doors are opening at a massive scale in the next 8 months overall and you not only have to be prepared to walk through the doors, but adapt to what's on the other side awaiting you.

Most people stop at their goal, the threshold of the door opening. What are you planning to do once you step through though?

This is what you need to be preparing.

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Goal number ONE


Floating elephant
THIS one will make money come end of Dec / January, so this one is top prio.

Goal TWO

Cloud City
Content, content, content.
And get that alert thing working.
I wish I could put SEO to one side as @Ryuzaki says, but at the moment it is all I know. The plan is to get my site into a position where it only needs 5 - 10 hours per week to run, then use the rest of my time to learn traffic leaking and other marketing tactics. I have my sights on the 2018 holiday season already.

  • Build 15 strong contextual links
  • Finish keyword research for next category
  • Start building an email list
  • Implement 1 additional monetization strategy
but at the moment it is all I know.
You can't get good and then great at something without first fumbling through it. Like a baby trying to walk, he crawls, and eventually tries standing up then falls over and over and over again, until he can balance and yet then walks, and again falls, and keeps falling until he can eventually walk, then run.

The problem is most people were more willing to take risks as babies than they do as grown adults.

Traffic leaking and marketing versus just SEO is the equivalent of stating that you have a journey from Los Angeles to New York City. But with SEO you just want to walk, and then when you get 80% of the way there you'll do more marketing and some traffic leaks. That's a LONG journey. Traffic leaking and marketing would be the equivalent of taking a car. Even driving poorly will get you to your destination faster than simply walking.

The whole secret that we've been trying to not-so-subtly ingrain into builders is traffic leaking and marketing will get you faster SEO results - that added marketing will also help your user base spread the word about you further than you could ever reach.

You have to become like the baby, willing to risk falling over and over until you succeed. Basically fumbling your way to success. The real secret is we're all fumbling our way to success - since no one can be certain of the future, it's all about being willing to keep taking chances and risk. I'm fumbling right now - but I'm closer to my goals than I was yesterday.

The difference between an Elon Musk and you really comes down to he's willing to take more risks and keep taking risks. When Telsa first came out their cars were horrible, but they fumbled their way to success. Paypal is still considered a horrible experience, but he fumbled his way to making it a household name.

In 2017 this holiday season you have a chance to fumble your way to even a little extra dough OR at the very least have some learning experience about traffic leaks. It took @built 6 months till he gained enough skills under his belt to generate up to 100K in a single traffic leak - 6 months of fumbling - it's the reason his journal has the highest amount of views and replies till this day.

Take more risks and keep fumbling mate.
I wish I could put SEO to one side as @Ryuzaki says, but at the moment it is all I know.
Don't be like the golddigger that was so focused on finding gold, that he didn't see the diamonds in front of him.
You can find almost everything about traffic leaking and marketing right here on this forum, but the general idea is to get your site/product/service in front of your target audience as possible and then to get them over to your site, it is happening eveyday right in front of your eyes if only you dare to see it, next time you are going to click on a link stop and ask your self why you want to click it, and soon you'll see and learn what traffic leaks and marketing is all about.
and as @CCarter said it brings you seo results a lot faster, and I'll add to it with a lot less effort once you've praticed a lot and start getting good at it.

Matt Cutts told seo'ers this 10 years ago "dont write for the search engines, rather write for the users who are going to consume your site."
Need to make sure I do something this black Friday/cyber Monday with my site.
I missed the boat last time - at least I can try to get a banner up to promote some deals!
Need to make sure I do something this black Friday/cyber Monday with my site.
I missed the boat last time - at least I can try to get a banner up to promote some deals!

That's a good thought. I'm in the UK so Black Friday has never been a thing for me, but my traffic is almost all US based, need to get something up, even if it's just a banner to Amazon :-)
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Posted this in the journal, but I'll post it here as well.

Goals For November
  • 4 new products with video and written content
  • 5 new memberships @ $30/month
Main Project:
  • Drip content while traffic leaking and building links
That's it, plain and simple. No goals surrounding it. Just filling up my time doing that until the month is over. These series of nearly weekly updates the past 3 months have seen me losing top 3 positions while gaining massive numbers of other rankings I didn't have. The effect is that my traffic is pretty stable but my conversion rates are being heavily affected.

It's been a while since I've done a big run of promotion, meaning getting a ton of links and social signals. I've been on the content grind for too long. Time to strike a balance again. Can't let anyone walk in the back door while I'm fortifying the front. Gotta watch both.
I managed to reach my goal for last month and I am hoping to have a few more pages pop into the top of the SERP so I am hoping for 2000 hits this month on the same site. Still just a small amount of traffic but its going in the right way :smile:.

- $100 Million in my bank account.

- Looking forward to Nov/Dec...

November Goal:
- Drop 2 content posts
- Drop 2 new feature on SAAS #1
- Do 2 major backend changes to SAAS #1
- Outline funding exploration for a new project
- Exit rough waters
November Goals:
-Turn a knowledge graph into an asset rather than an enemy
-Get new site running
-Figure out Analytics problem
-Get two new sales channels live
Main Project:
  • Drip content while traffic leaking and building links
That's it, plain and simple. No goals surrounding it. Just filling up my time doing that until the month is over. These series of nearly weekly updates the past 3 months have seen me losing top 3 positions while gaining massive numbers of other rankings I didn't have. The effect is that my traffic is pretty stable but my conversion rates are being heavily affected.

It's been a while since I've done a big run of promotion, meaning getting a ton of links and social signals. I've been on the content grind for too long. Time to strike a balance again. Can't let anyone walk in the back door while I'm fortifying the front. Gotta watch both.

My one and only goal was to get organic traffic to turn around this month. I can't say that the work I put in was the cause, but it did turn around. Either way I planted some good seeds and will keep doing so so I can reap the harvest all 2018.


Not only did organic traffic finally bust out of the plateau and small dip but it's growing past the previous height. Of course I didn't sit around and hope for the best. I got out there and put in the work and got some traffic from other channels through grassroots marketing. But I love this organic traffic because it keeps coming as long as I keep planting seeds and there's no drastic algorithm change. And there will be plenty of those, so I'm under no illusions that SEO traffic is permanent.

But for as long as there are search engines valuing text-based and image-based content, I'm going to keep dominating as hard as I can. As soon as resources allow, I'll move into more video-based content too.

That's my ramble. I'm happy with November. December bring it on!
Not only did organic traffic finally bust out of the plateau and small dip but it's growing past the previous height.

Great ! Great!

Do you mind Sharing the steps you took for this to happen?
Do you mind Sharing the steps you took for this to happen?

I'm not entirely convinced that my actions are the direct cause of this batch of growth, but the results of the efforts will kick in in the coming months. I think Google is rolling back some aggressive changes they made and their mobile first index is probably showing worse data than the desktop index. My guess is the mobile first index is now being informed by old desktop index data so that it performs better.

But, as far as what I did in the past month, I typed up a full discussion here. The short of it is that I posted about 9 articles on site, a ton off site, got a good number of links on various types of platforms, some of which were weak and nofollow and some were very strong and dofollow, and also sent a ton of traffic to the site outside of Google. Those traffic injections seem to be decent validators for Google. Maybe not permanent but enough to create a lift in organic traffic. If you can keep it going, I can imagine a lot of ways that contributes to positive SEO, especially since Google can track nearly every visit on every site now with their zillions of cookie types and javascript callbacks to headquarters.
  • Build 15 strong contextual links - Done
  • Finish keyword research for next category - Done
  • Start building an email list - Done, no subscribers yet!
  • Implement 1 additional monetization strategy - Done, email list and adsense ads
November Goal:
- Drop 2 content posts - Partial 1 of 2 dropped
- Drop 2 new feature on SAAS #1 - Delayed
- Do 2 major backend changes to SAAS #1 - Partial 1 of 2 completed
- Outline funding exploration for a new project - Done
- Exit rough waters - Done
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