Goals for September 2018

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BuSo Pro
Digital Strategist
Sep 3, 2014

"Now December found the love that we shared in September"
Earth, Wind, & Fire knew what was up. Back in the day, we planted our marketing seeds in September and expected them to sprout by the December holidays, where we collected our financial windfalls. But times have changed since then.

We now Black Friday. We now have Cyber Monday. There's gold in them thar hills, fellas.

This is it. It's the time to start gearing up. Design your email funnels. Post up some more review articles and get them ranking. Figure out your PPC game plan. It's crunch time!

Lay it all out here so you remember the path instead of straying as the time becomes more limited. Also, don't forget to revisit your August 2018 goals and your goals for 2018 as a whole.

Say, do you remember dancing in September? There never was a cloudy day.
Main Project
Try to start dripping the 25 review articles I started in bulk. I hope to get them out at three a day or so near the end of the month. I'll continue posting other content in the mean time.

On my side, I can completely finish up a project I'm working on for another BuSo member if they get their part done and we communicate efficiently. I'm hoping this is the case so we can both keep moving.

Once I wrap up the freelance project I want to turn my attention back to getting this service ready for launch. I'm front-loading all the work possible, but it'll take a few iterations to really seal that deal. I'll get 90% of the way there, which will let me scale once launched much easier. I already see ways for this to grow even further. I just have to put in the work and get there.

I mentioned earlier in the year how I've had a game in the making for about two years, on and off. I quit messing with it only to get excited again. I'm one work session away from finishing the part that made me stop last time, then it's full steam ahead. I only mess with this in my free time and it's not a money project, so it gets back burnered when needed. It'll be cool if it earns though, but this is a "me" project.
Only focusing on content publishing this month:

- 25 posts published
- 10 posts revamped

Main Project
Try to start dripping the 25 review articles I started in bulk. I hope to get them out at three a day or so near the end of the month. I'll continue posting other content in the mean time.

• Started, got a good chunk of this done considering how much other stuff I have going on. It feels good, I have big plans with this!​

On my side, I can completely finish up a project I'm working on for another BuSo member if they get their part done and we communicate efficiently. I'm hoping this is the case so we can both keep moving.

• We didn't finish but I see no reason at this point it won't wrap up during the first half of this month! Feels good, man!​

Once I wrap up the freelance project I want to turn my attention back to getting this service ready for launch. I'm front-loading all the work possible, but it'll take a few iterations to really seal that deal. I'll get 90% of the way there, which will let me scale once launched much easier. I already see ways for this to grow even further. I just have to put in the work and get there.

• Didn't make any progress here, which is fine. It'll come as soon as the other project is done.​

I mentioned earlier in the year how I've had a game in the making for about two years, on and off. I quit messing with it only to get excited again. I'm one work session away from finishing the part that made me stop last time, then it's full steam ahead. I only mess with this in my free time and it's not a money project, so it gets back burnered when needed. It'll be cool if it earns though, but this is a "me" project.

• I made some serious progress on this in the evenings once I got past a certain hurdle. I got a lot done in a tiny amount of time. I'm excited to keep messing with it as time allows.​
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