Google indexing issue

Jan 23, 2022
I've just done at site operator;
and got this;

Google looked for a description of xxxxxxxx on a reference site, but couldn't find a good match.

Is this something that I need to fix?
If so, how do I fix it?

Many thanks
The takeaway might be that Google hasn't indexed your site. You'd think that search operator would turn up something if it was indexed.

To really find out if your site is indexed or not, you need to use Google's Search Console and its Coverage Report. That will provide the definitive answer. The site search operator should turn up something, but it's not comprehensive nor does is it accurate.

To say anything more, you need to provide much more information to us.
I should clarify that after the site operator, I clicked the 3 dots on the first result, then
source>more about this page.
and got the result I mentioned previously,

However, as you say, Search console reveals plenty of activity.
I assume that my search operator test is not accurate, as you suggest.
Those 3 dots reveal something about your EEAT. It’s reserved for other high level sites that talk about your site and link to it. Time to get to work on some nice link or “guest” post placements!