Help creating bulk quote images (conditional images)?

Feb 2, 2015
I need to create about 300+ square images. These will all be:
  • in a square format
  • same format text
  • same dimensions/size
The only conditional items for this would be:
  • different image background (I have a folder of them, all in the correct size)
  • quote text (I have an Excel spreadsheet of all the quotes and each on in a text file too)
I couldn't think of any cool ways with Photoshop Actions. Someone else recommended ImageMagick which is looking like the best solution so far--anything got it beat?
Yea I included that in OP, I'm looking for something that will scale easier like setting up a program.
If you know php, then ImageMagick.

iWatermark Pro. Does all that and more on most OSs.
I have some watermarking software and it was something I looked into for this. None of them offered conditional text though. Checking out iWatermark Pro now, do you know if it offers the conditional text so I can swap out each quote?

Awesome, it's looking like a yes for iWatermark Pro (screenshot below). Going to buy and try it out today and report in.

@juliantrueflynn You should be able to script it in. I use AppleScript or Keyboard Maestro to do similar projects pretty easily- adding descriptive text to an inventory photo via a matching field (stock number). Creating a random request from a set of date should be doable.