How Long Does It Take To Get A Pure Spam Penalty Lifted?

Sep 26, 2016
I registered a domain name 3 months ago and verified the site with Webmaster Tools which is telling me that 2 Manual Actions were taken against the site. They are:
  • Pure spam
  • Thin content with little or no added value
The previous owner must have spammed it. At this point - the site is indexed in Bing but not Google.

How long does it take for the pure spam penalty to be lifted?
Does anyone have any experience with this?

My goal with the site is to create a long-term website that users will come back to.

Am I better off ditching the domain name and getting another one?

Open to any comments or suggestions.
My best guess is unless you have a friend or a human in Google to talk to you, years. You need to start filling up the domain good content and build the trust back slowly.

Again, best guess!
Matt Cutts talks about this scenario. You can get the penalty lifted, but unless you are very attached to the name or there is another good reason you want to use it, I would just move on.
I've bought many domains that were penalized with manual actions. This means you can send in a reconsideration request and explain that you are a new owner. They'll lift the penalty almost immediately. For me it was less than 48 hours each time, but I never did see a Pure Spam penalty. Mine were from people redirecting the domains for type-in traffic and then cloaking from Google.

My guess is they'll lift the penalty but wipe the juice at the same time. So if you're attached to it for the links, I wouldn't bother.
I bought a domain like this that had previously been used in someone's PBN (didn't find that out until after I had bought it). I made the site look nice and put 10 decent (not amazing) articles on it and submitted a reconsideration request and they removed the penalty within a week or so.

Thanks for the suggestions.

I filed a reconsideration request. We'll see what happens. I'll update if I hear back from google.

I think that if I don't hear back within 3 weeks - I'll ditch the domain.
Its nice to see some successes with reconsideration requests in this situation. I've never had success with it but I didn't bother putting new content up either.
I logged into GWT and checked my messages. G approved my reconsideration request today.

Thanks for the tips homies
Today - the site that I filed the approved reconsideration request for was indexed in Google.