I think i need some help.

Jan 5, 2022
Hello Buso,

So I happen to be browsing Buso today, because I wanted to get some sort of motivation for myself. I couldn't really put my mind to work today(it's been like that for a while now) due to the pressures and problems I face right now. However, at the end of the day, they are not REAL unsolvable problems... but damn I've been having a real struggle quite lately.

I don't want to boggle you guys with my petty story, but i see y'all like to read, so here's a brief summary of my experience with human life:

My biggest dream and desire right now is to make this internet shit happen and reach 2000$ in passive income. So I can have a platform I stand on to allow me to do more in life. Currently I am targeting 1000$ and before that 500$. Honestly I should just leave the 2000$ written in there(notes on my screen), as that's what I want to achieve and work.

Side note: Sounds confusing what I just wrote above. Basically I had to make up my mind to even write that much money as a goal, but now i am comfortable with it and confident I will get it.

I am making zero at the moment. Well, technically not, as the previous project I was working on (game hack/mods + YT) is generating me cents every now and then (sometimes a dollar and beyond!) of a single video that i uploaded and it picked up. It has been there almost a year ever since, although the video is fake.

About to collect my second payment of 51$ and inject it into my next project!

It is exciting because I managed to make it all by myself a few dollars online and it shows that this internet thing is really possible. However, I now stare at the screen cents, and cannot help but think I need to make more. I need to level up.

Now, in the mist of starting a new project generally speaking in the same model (content locking) but not in the game scene anymore. I am embarking on a new direction and that direction is turning this into something legit, by addressing people's problems and offering "informational" solutions and locking those solutions. I also see the potential to monetize in more ways than to just content lock info, like collecting emails in these niches.

In the process of testing this new project, for the life of me I cannot seem to figure it out how to even start because this is a new form of marketing and my first very form of attempting to leaking traffic of websites. Which relates to the stuff that is written in this forum and probably the cause why I am here right now.

So if you guys could provide some sort of guidance of how to even form any type strategy to get my start with this, I would deeply appreciate it!

*expressing inner feelings*
I really want "earning money online" to be a reality for me. I call it "external income" to back-me-on and escape the grip the job market has on me right now. Making a job option, not a necessity. I don't hate going to a job, but I am disgusted of this job hopping i have been going through in the construction sector. Dealing with animals instead of people, unnecessary stress, humiliation, cement's dust and not even get my pay in the end. Sure I had good times and made good friends along the way. The job itself is not that bad, I like the sport aspect of it. But at the end of the day who really wants to do this shit for years? Busting your health in the process and getting hurt. No wonder why the sector is struggling with the sector it self. No conditions.

I don't want to be in this absolute shitshow anymore. And by having that "external income" I could actually search for a job for months(find an environment I like to work, until otherwise), without worrying about bills. Sort of like a F-U money type of life postion.

*Feelings expressed*

I am pretty sure this is all possible, perhaps even beyond what I think i can achieve. I am just coming to realize I am not looking and operating at the game in the way i should be.

Excited to hear the feedback from all of you guys. I am stubborn prick who's resistant to seek help, but appreciates all that comes.

I just feel like I am standing in my own way now.

Thank you Buso!
I don't want to be in this absolute shitshow anymore. And by having that "external income" I could actually search for a job for months(find an environment I like to work, until otherwise), without worrying about bills. Sort of like a F-U money type of life postion.
So you hate your job and want $2,000/month in extra income so that you can find a job you like to work at. I hear you. My advice to you is to skip this whole ordeal with generating a passive income stream and go directly to find a job where you like to work at. After being in Online Marketing since 2009, I can tell you that making $2,000/month "passively" is harder than finding a new job. Also, making $2,000/month "passively" doesn't last for long. The Internet changes or new competitors enter and are actively squeezing you out. You'll spend more time and effort finding a "passive" income stream and keeping it than you would looking for a job.

What's more, F-U money means that you think you're rich enough to disrespect people who have been paying you. As someone who has F-U money and did F-U to people, I totally regret that attitude. That's new money attitude and no one likes it. It is disrespect and you'll pay the price for it afterwards. Keep your relationships respectful, especially if they're giving you money. You feel angry, but don't bite the hand that feeds. That's stupid. Not just directly, but also indirectly because the pool of rich people is small and people talk. You don't want a reputation, if you even make it this far.

Ok, that's enough advice from me. Good luck with things.
After being in Online Marketing since 2009, I can tell you that making $2,000/month "passively" is harder than finding a new job. Also, making $2,000/month "passively" doesn't last for long.
Can confirm. Chasing "passive internet monies" so you can finally do what you really want to do is a GREAT way to waste 10 years.
So you hate your job and want $2,000/month in extra income so that you can find a job you like to work at. I hear you. My advice to you is to skip this whole ordeal with generating a passive income stream and go directly to find a job where you like to work at. After being in Online Marketing since 2009, I can tell you that making $2,000/month "passively" is harder than finding a new job. Also, making $2,000/month "passively" doesn't last for long. The Internet changes or new competitors enter and are actively squeezing you out. You'll spend more time and effort finding a "passive" income stream and keeping it than you would looking for a job.

What's more, F-U money means that you think you're rich enough to disrespect people who have been paying you. As someone who has F-U money and did F-U to people, I totally regret that attitude. That's new money attitude and no one likes it. It is disrespect and you'll pay the price for it afterwards. Keep your relationships respectful, especially if they're giving you money. You feel angry, but don't bite the hand that feeds. That's stupid. Not just directly, but also indirectly because the pool of rich people is small and people talk. You don't want a reputation, if you even make it this far.

Ok, that's enough advice from me. Good luck with things.
First of all, thank you for your feedback BakerStreet.

Finding a job I like can be done without having any sort of extra income. I also don't necessary need 2000$ just to do that(cut it down to say 300), as the money from the job itself pays for upcoming bills months ahead. However, with an extra income on the side gives piece of mind, because if i move to someting I think i like, I might not and then have to go on a hunt again.

It is not really hard to find a job if you really want to work, but the problem is the situations that arise in said job. And if you step up and not swallow the frog, you're done.

I could also find work outside of my country and not be worried about if things don't go well. That's the sort of thing I want the "extra" online money for.

Now addressing the other aspects. It is not I get "FUM" and go on disrespecting people campaign. But I think i get the right to be disrespectful, if and only if you're disrepecting me in the first place. Which I definitely experienced and could not say much.

As for the passive income durability, it does not need to last long, but long enough to built it up and act as a reserve. Like a water tank, in case my main water source runs out. I don't think I would need to necessary touch it, but rather keep expanding, and building others upon that.

Really appreciate your advice, definitely expanded my thinking. Thank you.
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For the problem you're trying to solve (ie: having more money in reserve), I think you'll get there faster and easier by just getting a second job.
In the process of testing this new project, for the life of me I cannot seem to figure it out how to even start because this is a new form of marketing and my first very form of attempting to leaking traffic of websites. Which relates to the stuff that is written in this forum and probably the cause why I am here right now.

So if you guys could provide some sort of guidance of how to even form any type strategy to get my start with this, I would deeply appreciate it!

Just start. Stop writing. Just start. And keep going. Everything you need to know will be revealed to you when you start and continue working every day.

When you start, you'll make mistakes and that will teach you what not to do, which narrows down your choices of what TO DO. As you continue on it narrows further until you finally hit upon the thing you should actually do. Then it's about doing that thing and only that thing. Eventually you reach a point where it's time to grow beyond that. But that comes later. Doing the one thing will get you to your goal and far beyond it.
For the problem you're trying to solve (ie: having more money in reserve), I think you'll get there faster and easier by just getting a second job.
It is more like a "stand point" I would operate from.

Getting a second job can be done.. but also means working the weekends and that futher reduces my time to create my passive source(s). I don't necessary have an urgency to be where I want be(internet marketing wise), but ultimately means the job market can't hold me anymore.

Eventually I want to switch lanes from job to IM completely like so many others, but I understand i need the so called 9-5(more like 8-6/7), from a economical perspective.

But indeed I could get there faster by adding a second job. I will consider that.

Thank you Jesse.
Just start. Stop writing. Just start. And keep going. Everything you need to know will be revealed to you when you start and continue working every day.

When you start, you'll make mistakes and that will teach you what not to do, which narrows down your choices of what TO DO. As you continue on it narrows further until you finally hit upon the thing you should actually do. Then it's about doing that thing and only that thing. Eventually you reach a point where it's time to grow beyond that. But that comes later. Doing the one thing will get you to your goal and far beyond it.
Thank you Sutra.

Finding difficultly to act when there's no clarity on what to do, but I am figurin' i'll spend more time trowing more eggs at the wall and learn which one actually sticks.
The concept of passive income needs to exit everyone's vocabulary. I've had passive income streams that required more hours put into them to get them there than were ever worth it before the streams withered away. It's never passive and is generally more time and effort intensive than otherwise.

The real life-changing money comes from liquidation events where you build up a stream of revenue and then sell it for some multiple of monthly or annual average profit. And the goal should be to move fast, because nothing lasts. I recently lost the chance to sell a site for $500k during Google's recent panic-mode idiocy, as well did like 90% of the industry.

Most of us here know and will tell you that a day job is the easier, quicker route to get to your goals. That's if it's strictly just a math equation. Bring emotion into the equation and the exact same ones of us that will tell you that aren't doing it ourselves, because it's not our path. It's in our spirits to grind it out and suffer the toiling and risk time.

You have to figure out exactly who you are on the inside. Because for most people, the dream of the final goal of independent success is a lot tastier than the reality of having to do the work to get there.

I'd also watch out for false dichotomies in thinking. An example would be "getting a 2nd job or not" or "do internet marketing on the side or not". The answer may be switching industries altogether, which would be a hidden third option, where you're in a happier mental space around more mature people with a higher income, without the need to dive into side hustles.

Another problem you'll face if you move forward with internet marketing is the classic low-barrier-to-entry option was SEO. You spend $5 a month on a server and $10 a year on a domain and start writing yourself and building links. That ship has completely sailed in the past 2 years.

So now what you're looking at is options that require some form of capital, unless you're doing some real crappy dropshipping, which isn't really much of a career to hang your hat on so much as a "side hustle". So you're really looking at sourcing inventory, white labeling, shipping it to a fulfillment center, payment processing, 30/60/90 net payments, lots of money to burn through to optimize advertising campaigns. That's the issue. It's going to require money to really get rolling and more to scale, and most people don't get into this while starting with money.

So now you're either talking about extending the runway of time towards liftoff by grinding out small amounts of money here and there (but most products are going to have minimum volume limitations on their orders), or taking out a loan which is quite risky in this business.

Take that entire scenario and change products into services and change money into time, and you're in the same conundrum.

I'm not trying to talk you out of it, but simply making sure it's not all sunshine, rainbows, and unicorns in your head. It's a pretty shitty lifestyle until / if you can get it to work.
Finding difficultly to act when there's no clarity on what to do, but I am figurin' i'll spend more time trowing more eggs at the wall and learn which one actually sticks.

Yes, that's the way it feels in the beginning. It's very vague and unclear. For the first 3 years I felt like I was walking through an ocean of fog. Everywhere I turned, fog. Couldn't see anything in front of me. However, every time I took a step the spot behind remained fog free. It felt exactly like the fog of war you see in video game maps in old games like Warcraft, etc. I realized that as long as I kept moving forward, eventually more and more fog would be dissipated until enough would be visible that I'd have a better idea of what to do/where to go. So that's what I did, just always kept moving forward. No matter what. One foot in front of the other, every day, unending, forever walking.

Do the same and you'll get where you're going.
I'd forget about blogging/affiliate websites as it is now.

I am quite tempted to go be a shitposter for money on X.com though. Blue ocean, allows content that others don't etc.

Or learning to code, which I currently am in an online class.

Do something cool with some AI api.

If you want to do a website, I'd go for something unique, either code a tool, create a private database, reach out to business owners etc.
Yes, that's the way it feels in the beginning. It's very vague and unclear. For the first 3 years I felt like I was walking through an ocean of fog. Everywhere I turned, fog. Couldn't see anything in front of me. However, every time I took a step the spot behind remained fog free. It felt exactly like the fog of war you see in video game maps in old games like Warcraft, etc. I realized that as long as I kept moving forward, eventually more and more fog would be dissipated until enough would be visible that I'd have a better idea of what to do/where to go. So that's what I did, just always kept moving forward. No matter what. One foot in front of the other, every day, unending, forever walking.

Do the same and you'll get where you're going.
Thank you once again Sutra.
Seeing things less foggy, now that you've mentioned. :smile:
The concept of passive income needs to exit everyone's vocabulary. I've had passive income streams that required more hours put into them to get them there than were ever worth it before the streams withered away. It's never passive and is generally more time and effort intensive than otherwise.

The real life-changing money comes from liquidation events where you build up a stream of revenue and then sell it for some multiple of monthly or annual average profit. And the goal should be to move fast, because nothing lasts. I recently lost the chance to sell a site for $500k during Google's recent panic-mode idiocy, as well did like 90% of the industry.

Most of us here know and will tell you that a day job is the easier, quicker route to get to your goals. That's if it's strictly just a math equation. Bring emotion into the equation and the exact same ones of us that will tell you that aren't doing it ourselves, because it's not our path. It's in our spirits to grind it out and suffer the toiling and risk time.

You have to figure out exactly who you are on the inside. Because for most people, the dream of the final goal of independent success is a lot tastier than the reality of having to do the work to get there.

I'd also watch out for false dichotomies in thinking. An example would be "getting a 2nd job or not" or "do internet marketing on the side or not". The answer may be switching industries altogether, which would be a hidden third option, where you're in a happier mental space around more mature people with a higher income, without the need to dive into side hustles.

Another problem you'll face if you move forward with internet marketing is the classic low-barrier-to-entry option was SEO. You spend $5 a month on a server and $10 a year on a domain and start writing yourself and building links. That ship has completely sailed in the past 2 years.

So now what you're looking at is options that require some form of capital, unless you're doing some real crappy dropshipping, which isn't really much of a career to hang your hat on so much as a "side hustle". So you're really looking at sourcing inventory, white labeling, shipping it to a fulfillment center, payment processing, 30/60/90 net payments, lots of money to burn through to optimize advertising campaigns. That's the issue. It's going to require money to really get rolling and more to scale, and most people don't get into this while starting with money.

So now you're either talking about extending the runway of time towards liftoff by grinding out small amounts of money here and there (but most products are going to have minimum volume limitations on their orders), or taking out a loan which is quite risky in this business.

Take that entire scenario and change products into services and change money into time, and you're in the same conundrum.

I'm not trying to talk you out of it, but simply making sure it's not all sunshine, rainbows, and unicorns in your head. It's a pretty shitty lifestyle until / if you can get it to work.
*Holy crap...*

You are so intimidating. I knew it, that if you took the time to reply, I would get this huge blast of real industry knowledge, packed with psychology and personal experience mixed together. Love it!

Where to even start..

I have read countless times that passive income is nothing but a fantasy, but also read others having such for 3+ years. That is pretty long for my purposes and provided I work, take that and built other sources. Not necessarily passive, but external enough to fly by over the job market.

Such case, would be what you've mentioned about liquifyin' what you got, if I got you correctly and move on as well.

Although earning 2K passively would be ideal, I may not be in the best business model to achieve such, so perhaps scaling to just 500$ a month, which in my opinion I don't think that would be such a headache to achieve and/or maintain is pretty good as well. Just would ultimately mean that in-between job hoppin' I would be technically cash-less.

Also, not planning to go 5$ hosting/10$ domain and play the SEO game, as i am pretty much turned off by it. More like traffic leak style along with audience building if I managed to create that.

If any SEO, I might go with YTSEO and targeted some keywords.

"I'm not trying to talk you out of it, but simply making sure it's not all sunshine, rainbows, and unicorns in your head. It's a pretty shitty lifestyle until / if you can get it to work."

And finally, you wouldn't write all of this to purposelessly bash my intentions, but rather help and broaden my perspective of this business and life in general, clearly you're someone who walked the path and I congratulate you.

And thank you so much for taking the time to write such a detailed answer(as you usually do), that I wouldn't otherwise get, even if AI was my wife lol.

I will follow you from now on.
I'd forget about blogging/affiliate websites as it is now.

I am quite tempted to go be a shitposter for money on X.com though. Blue ocean, allows content that others don't etc.

Or learning to code, which I currently am in an online class.

Do something cool with some AI api.

If you want to do a website, I'd go for something unique, either code a tool, create a private database, reach out to business owners etc.
Hey bernard, thanks for stopping by :wink:.

I will stick with with blogging/affiliate, but not necessarily scale it to my highest goal.

Might go for similar things you're after in the future, as it seems far more solid.

Once again, thank you for your input and good luck with your projects as well!
Just noticed that I got featured the in the best of week newsletter. That's pretty nice, considering I came here to cry haha.

It has been a pleasure interacting with this community. Smart & Serious.

Intimidated and empowered at the same time, but ultimately grateful to be here.

Also, shout out to the person behind these short original and click-baity sums of the forum threads. Even if I'm not interested in a particular thread subject I always end up reading it!