iGaming (Gambling) in the US is About to Become THE Niche... It's Goldrush Time BuSoers!

Steve Brownlie

Building Links
BuSo Pro
Digital Strategist
Nov 16, 2015
Many of us who worked in iGaming space during the poker boom (and associated offshore gambling/betting exchanges that thrived alongside it) felt like our dreams of retirement by 30 vanished overnight when the Unlawful Internet Gaming Enforcement Act ended access to the US markets for all but a few tiny players who chose to skirt the regulations. No more PokerStars on TV. No more Moneymaker fanboys. No more action.

The slow creep of regulation in Europe has led to dozens of UK-based online casinos leaving the market, and affiliates fleeing to Ireland just to make their content or giving up entirely.

Most States ended gambling online within their borders. Forget international poker, there wasn’t even interstate poker.

Some of you probably can’t imagine how easy it was to make money in this space - especially those of you used to competing in low-margin/high volume type niches now.

To give you an idea - one of my small personal projects was a crappy little poker chat room that Garrett and I paid a random European poker player chap who drank too much and was quite mad to sit in all day and entertain people we drove to it with some little viral video jokes and some educational content we seeded on PokerTube.

That made $10k/month on autopilot during the good times. Imagine how much the huge rakeback houses were making if a few dozen players made that much for the chat room…

The United States online gambling market is about to change. Not just change, change MASSIVELY.

We’re going back to those opportunities. And some affiliates already gambled on that years before this change started (see - https://statsdrone.com/blog/legal-betting-landscape-usa-mike-murphy/).

But don’t believe him that it’s too late for small players (he would say that of course - he doesn’t really want you all joining) - there’s going to be so much money to be made in the next 10 years. During the gap between legalisation then the creep of tighter regulation that we’ve seen in Europe there’s space for everything and everyone.

What we all need to do is find our little space now. Affiliation works by curating a group of followers who love your content/take on their favourite games and always come back to you for the community/content you put out there (video is important but of course we ranked on page 1 for ‘poker chat room’ during that pre-UIGEA time… that was the key to unlock access to potential community members).

If there’s an obscure team or sport where people can bet and you can be THE go to site to discuss that … you can win. If there’s a type of live dealer casino game you can review all the providers, and give tips on how to play (look at all the ‘how to play craps’ stuff on YouTube) … you can win.

It’s a huge market. Why not lay the foundation now as the opening up is happening and be ready as State after State goes legal.

Even better news - while our other niches struggle during this war-induced recession, gambling will boom - Studies are showing that sports betting participation increases during recessions: https://sportshandle.com/june-22-stock-watch/

Reach Creator, has huge experience working with linkbuilding for all the major casino brands worldwide operating fully licensed and legally, of course. In all languages, though primarily we focus on English, Spanish and Portuguese (yes the South American gambling market is booming too as places like Argentina and Brazil become effectively modern industrial economies (we’ve all flown on an Embraer by now after all).

We’ll be launching some of our own side-projects too as this ‘reopening but bigger’ happens, I’d recommend you all join us.
I've been working full-time as a writer in this space for over a decade, and I played poker full-time for over half a decade before that. I can second virtually everything you said here.
Sounds very promising... How can I learn more about this Sector ?
I've been working full-time as a writer in this space for over a decade, and I played poker full-time for over half a decade before that. I can second virtually everything you said here.
You did better than me, I only played poker professionally for about 2.5-3 years before I realised I was just making office manager monies and it really wasn't going to 'happen' for me at the higher stakes unless I had a brain transplant. It amazes me though that I still, despite only casually keeping an eye on the changes in the game, what people are doing these days (watch a few youtubers here and there), etc, have an edge over all these donkish live regs you find in the low stakes games at live casinos. It still would be a better job option for me than starving to death that's for sure...

Sounds very promising... How can I learn more about this Sector ?
Best thing is to think which parts of the industry are most interesting to you - it's huge. A lot of people immediately say 'sports' but we all know buddies who have tried to get traction with their NFL betting tips youtube channel and given up after 20 episodes etc. I think if you went sports, for example, you'd have to be really niche and find a sport people didn't cover as much (because believe me people are betting on it).
Join the GPWA, chat to other people in the industry, go to the odd event (me and G are at both the London events next month - if any of you are going give us a shout!).
I think it's anything where you can support this industry.
There's opportunity in everything from law firms that want to specialise to (as you say just being an affiliate) to web designers, advertising agencies who have knowledge of the legal frameworks/cross state advertising (states are grouping together to allow players from each others states etc in pools so understanding those states rules would be key to an ad agency) etc etc.
Is this why I'm seeing the sudden rise of Crypto sites tying to casinos?
Is this why I'm seeing the sudden rise of Crypto sites tying to casinos?
Have a look at all the news and 'hot stories' about Stake.com. tl;dr for anyone who doesn't want to do lots of googling and watching angry youtubers 'exposing' them is that a whole bunch of gaming youtubers made millions from switching to streaming slots. I'm not saying that's an opportunity right now (for some it might be) but it's just another example of why we need to be super attentive to what's going on in iGaming right now - huge opportunities can come and go quite quickly sometimes.
Definitely lots of opportunities and money to be made. Can also see it in my country (a European country) where they legalized it like a year ago or so and now there's tons of demand for links from agencies/casino's or affiliates to rank them. We getting so many request lately. I believe there's still opportunities for smaller ones to niche down. We are trying some verticals within the betting niche and already had some succes with getting traffic pretty very quickly, now will need to start monetizing some and see how they will really perform.
Definitely lots of opportunities and money to be made. Can also see it in my country (a European country) where they legalized it like a year ago or so and now there's tons of demand for links from agencies/casino's or affiliates to rank them. We getting so many request lately. I believe there's still opportunities for smaller ones to niche down. We are trying some verticals within the betting niche and already had some succes with getting traffic pretty very quickly, now will need to start monetizing some and see how they will really perform.
Why dont you make make a case study. Open up new topic in laboratory. Curious how tlu'll do would love to follow your project.
Why dont you make make a case study. Open up new topic in laboratory. Curious how tlu'll do would love to follow your project.
We will but once it's a little bigger. There's too many folks here with more money and time than me to beat us to it if we share too early :wink:
I've been working full-time as a writer in this space for over a decade, and I played poker full-time for over half a decade before that. I can second virtually everything you said here.
I specialize in gambling content too; if I were going to go full-time in any niche, this would be the one. That's very cool you played poker professionally! Why did you move away from it?
If anybody is interested.. we FINALLY got the first episode of iGamingGoldRush recorded and put live today:

Things are moving quickly! Get your sites up, get your keyword research done and start building links!
What i don't understand why this topic. Why would you reveal it?

Smells like some kind of promotion. Curious what's behind.
What i don't understand why this topic. Why would you reveal it?

Smells like some kind of promotion. Curious what's behind.
Its literally going to be a 100 BILLION dollar industry.. I think there will be room for everybody :smile:
Show us some examples of sites, products?
I'm not exactly sure what you're after. Simple Google search such as "sports betting ohio" or something should start giving you some ideas.