Is it ok to transfer this info between Reviews, or do I need to rewrite it?


Investor and Business Mentor
BuSo Pro
Oct 28, 2015
I want to improve one of my review articles (Review A) by doing a better job of matching it to reader intent. To do that, some sections need to be removed. Those sections would actually do well as their own separate review article (We'll call that Review B).

My question: Is it ok to delete that section from Review A and copy/paste it to Review B, or does it need to be rewritten? Note: Review B would also have about 800 words of new and unique info.
It's fine. Google picks up on the on-page changes nearly immediately for decently linked sites and especially for ones with a sitemap in Webmaster Tools, and you're talking about the exact same domain. When people get in a tizzy about making sure something de-indexes before re-using it, they're typically talking about moving to a new domain versus a new page on the same domain.

I'm confident that it's 100% fine. You might see some disruption in rankings due to such a massive change needing to be re-evaluated, but it'll be because of that much content leaving and 800 words being added.