On Fb and Twitter I bought 20 FB and TW accounts from an Indian firm, and set up 2 pages/accounts on every niche I'm involved in (not website fan pages, just interest groups).. and another on a similar semi related niche for each.
Set up dlvr.it to feed in some relevant stuff on auto pilot, and get someone to post your page/account into other high membership relevant groups/lists etc for free follows/likes.. (don't pay for non relevant ones, useless).. you can also cross promote your groups in each other.
You can build a couple of thousand followers in no time on each, then it's yours to market your own projects too..
Even if traffic is low from any posts you make about any website you own, it's great for SEO that your site is being found in these places. But I've a few groups that send a ton of click throughs from an intriguing post.
Don't just limit yourself to FB etc though..
Find social places where people in your niche hangout. For instance, one project I have deviantart is the place they hang out. My social profile on there has tons of followers, images and other shit posted to it.