Is there a 'metareddit' for FaceBook?

There will be something available for pages as the data is available via FB's api's.
Groups aren't available via an API unless you're an admin of the group.
What exactly are you trying to discover?
There will be something available for pages as the data is available via FB's api's.
Groups aren't available via an API unless you're an admin of the group.
What exactly are you trying to discover?

Just looking to discover every group and page in a vertical. FB makes some nice suggestions in the sidebar (sometimes) but they are still normally in the same niche. For instance, if I'm looking to find every "diet" page and group on Facebook, I can't just search "health" and "diet," because 100s of pages and groups like "Basic White Girls Do Whole30" aren't going to show up, unless I query "whole30" or "basic white girls do."

I was thinking there must be some type of aggregator for the largest public facebook groups at least...
I built a mini search tool once based on an older it graph API with search filters that don't exist on regular Facebook. Facebook took my site down, but it's easy to replicate. You should look it up.