It is up to all of us new members to make this forum killer.

Aug 17, 2014
New users... face it. None of us are invested in this forum yet. We are all locked in here for... three posts at the start. Something to consider as you post in here and even come back later to help the new-comers... What can YOU do personally to ensure that this forum becomes one of the best out there? I'm sure most of you know about all of the other bigger and mid-sized SEO and internet marketing forums out there. They suck in a lot of ways, but I've been on a lot of forums in other niches that were awesome. The plague of bad forums is rampant in SEO. Let's change this.

So when you graduate out of the Training Center, don't complain saying "this forum is dead, no one is posting replies." Post some replies yourself! Don't wait around for new threads to appear and cry that it's boring. Start a new thread. Ask open ended questions about specific concerns to spur conversation.

It's up to all of us if we wish to have a decent place to converse about our business. That's what I want. I'm sick of crappy message boards, and I'm willing to work to help this one be great. Please do your part.
^ LOL :D

I agree. People love to lurk forums and never get involved and cause it to self destruct. Another thing is to not create an atmosphere of exclusivity. People have to feel welcomed to join and voice their opinions.

I'm going to try to free myself from this section and start some quality threads soon. Good reminder.
It is only natural that less people feel confident enough to speak up, especially in a digital environment where it's so easy to be anonymous. You'd think that'd inspire more speaking, but it inspires even more anonymity. We should simply do our best as individuals to speak. That should draw more people from the shadows instead of badgering them into responding.

As he disappears. lol.
What'd you say bout my momma!?!?

You're right. I made that post and was all gung-ho and then let it slip. Let me make it up right now :smile:
I read around and saw people complaining in one thread about the site being slow. Then I saw that people said it was picking up, so I figured I'd join and help the cause. It does seem to be going better since I started lurking even a few days ago. It has potential for sure. Everyone just has to make an effort. I even followed suit and made myself a nice avatar.
Some real good activity is going down in The Board Room now! Loving it. Not necessarily learning anything new yet, but it's a good sign!
Someone's trying to become a mod... :wink:

LOL we were all thinking it but this kid came right out and said it!

I'm seeing some good stuff here already. Member 24 told me about it. I guess that makes me Member 25, I dunno. My member is about 7.5 if anyone wanted to know LOL.

Look. There's enough money out there for all of us, and way too much trade secret whisper in the wind type of nonsense going on in the SEO world. I'm willing to share and talk, but I'm not here to hold hands either. It's give and take. I'll be watching.
I'd like to see this forum become my new home! Together, we can make this a great community where sharing ideas can be commonplace and we can all build our society together!
What's in a name? Builder's society is an ideal name for creating a thriving, evolving and perhaps.. revolutionizing digital marketing hub. Was a bummer to see BHU go under.. and am excited for a fresh start here! Looking forward to it all.
I guess thats what happens when people become complacent - Businesses go under, sites go under - its our duty to keep this community thriving for the future. Conflict-free might I add