Just Get An Internship, Brah

Apr 25, 2020
Everyone around me is getting internships.

Some of them tell me:

  • "Get a 9-5 bro. It's better that way"
  • "Work for a corporate. Learn to run a business before you run one."
And to that, I say...


No one gets rich waiting. Not me. Not you.

What's the point of working for a corporation?

Sure, you'll learn skills.

Market research. Web Design. Cold outreach. Whatever.

But applying those skills to your own business?

It's infinitely harder.

Can you wake up every day, put in 100% effort of blood, sweat, and tears, FAIL, then do it all over again with (more) effort the next day?

There's skills and knowledge that I've learned from BuSo, books, actually putting in work, etc. that will shake people to the core if they understood the value.

But they will never understand.

I'm past listening to them, I'm carving a path to a dream so big and huge it scares the living f*ck out of me thinking about it.

I'm not slaving away.

It's motivation to feed the beast inside me.

At 19-years old, I feel like I can climb atop the grandest mountain and plant my flag right smack in the middle.

There's so many ways to make money through digital marketing.

You just have to go for it.

Just a little rant.

P.S The crazy thing is, two months in, I've had zero profits. Zero success. But one day I'll break through the damn barrier and it's sky high from there.
Whitelabel route is 100% beneficial to later fund personal strategies.. the experience from multiple agencies is priceless. Do NOT just throw away that strategy or agency-jobs based on your EGO. Running your own affiliate sites isn't easy as pie on your own with the timelines it requires.
Having worked for multiple companies, I must say it does help. Consultancy gives you many different views.

I wouldn't recommend working for 1 company. The idea is to get multiple experiences and a chance to build a talent stack.

Seeing incompetence in action is helpful. The "boring" times you can spend on working out your own ideas.
There is no limit to the creativity boredom inspires.

It also worked very motivating to me. Knowing how much you DON'T WANT ANY OF THAT gets you out of bed in the morning when there are no structures to force you to work.

Now, I applaud your effort to just start right of the bat. I have wished I did the same thing.
Honestly, I'm not so sure it was a bad thing.
You shouldn’t listen to the 99% if you are looking to be a 1%er. You know this intuitively but peer pressure and society try to make you conform.

There is a reason being an entrepreneur is lonely, you have to cut out the noise and nonsense the 99% spend/waste their time on. Weekends, nights, holidays, watching the sports games on then shiny screens - while they are having a good time you’ll be grinding.

Depending on how smart you grind - in 5, 10, 5, and 20 years from now you’ll be infinitely in a better place that those 9-5ers. You would have gone after your dreams while they were scared to take the leap.

Running your own affiliate sites

Side note, OP never said anything about doing affiliate marketing. He could be starting his own product or service business instead.

I personally hate affiliate marketing cause you are at most getting 2-10% of the revenue while the product/service owner gets 90-98% of revenue. Mathematically it doesn’t make sense for the amount of effort put in. It should be stepping stone not an end business.

HAVING an affiliate program though = money. You got a bunch of people sending you THEIR traffic in order to make money for both of you, but mostly YOU, shiiett...
Side note, if OP is looking to compete via a real product or service, 100% advantage there. The focus is better off. An affiliate-based website from what I see are crippeled unless they actually provide reliable quality. However, that quality is rare with affiliates across the board I see. Be the odd one out and be ABOVE THAT and kick ass. It's still a strategy low-key affiliate websites never use and will die. (Just consider the long-term strategy)

Side note, OP never said anything about doing affiliate marketing. He could be starting his own product or service business instead.
Why not get a black hat internship?

I interned for a Black, Grey and White hat SEO firm and learnt heaps!

Working in a corporate firm now, I still rely on my blackhat roots.
Why not get a black hat internship?

I interned for a Black, Grey and White hat SEO firm and learnt heaps!

Working in a corporate firm now, I still rely on my blackhat roots.

Er you aren't one of those agencies that screw over clients right? They know you are playing it dirty? :surprised:
There have been times I felt crazy, id write 7 hours a day for 6 months or so with no revenue; to start my authority site. Once my site came out of the “google sandbox” or whatever you want to call it, It started paying off. I felt crazy, like a psycho “what am I doing” id ask myself... But, now, after powering through this all, I’m on the path of never working for someone else again.

In short, If you want to save money then sure get a job first then work part time on your entrepenuership journey until it replaces that jobs income. Pretty simple.

Dont ever listen to other people like the ones telling you this. They aren’t you. You’re different. Thats what works for them- burn the following in your mind: you are not them. Unless you cave into their narrow minded visions. Im biased though, I’ve always had divergent thinking baked-in and am entrepreneural by spirit. If that’s not you- then this journey may not be for you.

Be weird, be different, don’t cave into others lame remarks: “get a 9-5 its better that way”... and you’ll be rewarded if you have the patience.