Lead Pre-Qualifier

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Final Boss ®
BuSo Pro
Boot Camp
Digital Strategist
Sep 15, 2014

I'm working on a project where we need someone that's good on the phone. We've got a flood of leads coming in daily and need someone to go over a pre-qualification checklist with the prospect.

The person will get paid when a pre-qualification checklist is filled out completely AND then paid again if the deal closes. The lead qualifier does not have to close the deals; we have expert sales teams to close the leads but we have a lot of lead forms and calls coming in which need to be qualify properly so we do not waste the sales team valuable time with un-qualified individuals that might be window shoppers.

Must be available during USA east coast times of between 8AM EST - 10PM EST, also available on weekends to make contact for weekend leads.

English is a requirement.

Everything is fluid right now since we are in the middle of the startup process so things will change, so we will need a degree of flexibility.

PM me if interested.
I'm still looking for the "one" - basically you'll take leads that filled out a form and need follow up, so they are expecting a phone call - none of that cold calling shit. You fill out the info - short about 10 questions and pass it on to the sales team - you get paid for every form fill. If the sales team closes the deal you get paid EVEN MORE! So it's in the best interest to be friendly with the prospect cause more money down the line.

Never done phone sales or are horrible on the phone? Great!! - Try something new cause you never know if this is the opportunity of the life time. Opportunity is knocking, are you willing to answer?

Holy horse fuck that job is a no brainer, if it hasn't been filled then GUYS DO IT it's the easiest money you'll ever make!!!!
If I wasen't in europe running a callcenter I'd do it.
We actually run a lead qualifying campaign where we cold call people and our closing rate/leads qualified/generated is about 33%, which is studiply llow by my standards, but fuck me calling people who are waiting for the call damn that's easy.
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