Letting Your Writer Republish Articles on His Portfolio

Dec 20, 2014
My main writer wants to repost articles he does for me on his website 2 weeks after they go online on mine.
Should I allow this? Is there any negatives to this?
If his site is more authoritative than yours, his articles will rank higher in the SERPs.
If he links to your site, even at the bottom (while removing other links in the article) as the source then possibly I'd allow it. I'd HAVE to get the link.

Honestly a lot of it would have to do with what I'm paying for the content.

His site is likely to not to be targeted to your niche at all. I wouldn't worry about him outranking you either on a portfolio site versus a huge content site.

Another option would to ask him to place a rel=canonical on those pages that point back to your original content.

I think Google would sort it out and it wouldn't be a huge negative. Daily I have trash sites copying my content and it does nothing to harm me. It could draw a little attention to your site as well.

Despite these positives and seeming lack of negatives, I would say no. It's just how I feel about it. If I'm paying someone then it's mine. I'd tell him he could link to your post only, but not re-post the content.

If he wants to showcase his work, then have him link OUT to articles on YOUR site. Never let them duplicate your content. You paid for it, it's yours.

You have nothing to gain from it. I don't care how feel good you think it is, or how your writer might feel about it. Most writers NEVER stick with you in the long run.

Your author isn't going to send you sales/traffic by copying your content.

In another situation: When web dev co's showcase their work they do a screenshot and link out. (A great thing) They don't rip the entire site and host it. Writers can do the same thing. As seen on "LOGO" > Link. Done!