Locked out of FB account and can’t access my pages…. Now What?

May 21, 2015
Really stressing out right now.

This morning I got an email from FB saying someone may have accessed my account and that my account was now locked. They asked me to upload an ID to confirm my Name and DOB so I uploaded my driver’s license… problem is my FB account didn’t use my real first name or DOB or even a photo so as expected:


It looks like you sent us an ID that either doesn't match the information on this account or isn't on our list of acceptable IDs. To maintain the security of this account, we can’t give you access or take any further action until we receive an acceptable ID.

The account is now locked, which means no one will be able to log into it without verifying their identity. While the account is locked, it won't be visible on Facebook or appear in search.

Learn more about the different types of ID we accept:

The only place I’ve used my real name and information is through their ad system but I can’t access any features other than the login screen so I’m effectively locked out of 2 different FB pages.

I’m the only admin on both so is there any way to retrieve ownership of those pages if I were to create a new account?

I'm hoping someone here has been through a similar situation and can offer some guidance.
Just to give an update in case anyone's interested....

Tried creating a new account using my real information and so I could post on their community help sections asking for help. Less than 30 min. later the post is deleted and the new account disabled.

Looks like I won't be using FB anymore lol.
They're entire game is selling in-depth data on real people to advertisers and governmental agencies, not anonymized cookie-based data and email addresses. They're real serious about the "one-account per person, must use real info" rule. Once they catch you, the ban hammer comes down hard.

I've not seen, but I've heard of them doing the same type of action once you try to delete an account. You don't get to come back, and of course your data may not be publicly available any more, but it's still in the system and they can continue to face-match you in friend photos and all of that.

I've tried to get them to shut down a page for forever and they keep confirming it's done but it never happens.

They want accurate data and they don't want to let it go. Get in the way of those two things and you're toast.

A while back I ran some FB ads for the first time in a long time and had to go through the same process as you. It sucks knowing they now have my ID on file in addition to whatever they can capture from my profile. Not much to do, the reward is better than the privacy in this case.

Wish I had a solution for you. I guess this is a heads up to all of us. We all need to add someone else as administrators to our pages, pronto, just in case.
Know the feeling, I created a biggish fitness page as my first online adventure. Since I made it with a fake account I eventually got banned and my page lost forever. RIP
Wish I had a solution for you. I guess this is a heads up to all of us. We all need to add someone else as administrators to our pages, pronto, just in case.
Do you think using Facebook Business Manager would be somewhat of a workaround? Thought from there you could invite just regular email addresses to manage business pages from there, but I might be mistaken and they require the shared users to be Facebook members as well. Sort of still falls under what you suggest for adding a second administrator to our pages just in case now that I think about it, ha.

I'll have to look into this further, after setting up a few fake accounts just for that purpose, most of my business pages are already set up through my main Business Manager Account, at least to be able to manage them. Will update if I find some more details.