Low volume keywords and high Google AdSense CPC

Jan 14, 2024
When using LowFruits (image below) Sometimes I will see a low volume keyword that does not always hit the requirements for the golden keyword ration but it has relatively low volume and very low competition while having a high CPC.

In this case $11 CPC. Does this mean that if I target that low volume keyword and someone clicks on my page and selects that advert that I will get @$8 for a single click or have I picked it up wrong?

If I have picked it up correctly then does it also affect the CPM figures if people are viewing the page without clicking as well?

Have I picked this up wrong and should just stick to the golden ratio keywords? I have some keywords on my site that I am number 2 or 3 that are very competitive with all sites above 45 on the first page and yet I am a 9. Some of the other pages have better keyword matches than me. It happens rarely but still confuses me.

What you're going to find is that no tool, not even Google's CPC data, is always accurate. Sometimes they'll tell you less than 10 search volume and you'll rank for a ton of other keywords with the same page and bring in thousands of searches.

Especially when you're doing golden ratio keywords and low search volume keywords, the name of the game is volume, not of search but of your rate of publication. You need to swing for the fences in the number of articles you're publishing to make a huge impact to your bottom line, not swing for the fences on CPC or any other single metric. Simply because the search volume isn't really there. But add 500 of those articles together and you're getting somewhere.

But if you're already going to do 500 or 1,000 articles, there's no harm in trying for that $11 CPC article. It'll just add to your pile and contribute something to the overall effort.
Google can't make up their mind what the volumes are either.

My suggestion is that if you can find it somewhere, in their auto complete, or suggested wordings boxes its getting some amount of seeding somewhere from someone or something (often google). Might as well target it and see what happens. Worst case it just gives you related word cloud points for what ever training set of the month they spit out next.
You need to swing for the fences in the number of articles you're publishing to make a huge impact to your bottom line, not swing for the fences on CPC or any other single metric. Simply because the search volume isn't really there. But add 500 of those articles together and you're getting somewhere.

But if you're already going to do 500 or 1,000 articles, there's no harm in trying for that $11 CPC article. It'll just add to your pile and contribute something to the overall effort.

What I am hearing you say is what similar to a scene in one of my favorite films below?

Jordan Belfort: I mean…the CPC you have are absolutely…
Mark Hanna: F**k the CPC. Your only responsibility is to increase search volume.
Jordan Belfort: Right. But if you can make money with CPC at the same time, it’s advantageous to everyone, correct?
Mark Hanna: No.
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