Microsoft to acquire Github for 7.5 Billion


Developer/Linux Consultant
BuSo Pro
Digital Strategist
Sep 23, 2014

This is a historical moment and not a good one for a lot of people and companies. Without going into a lot of detail, I want everyone to understand that the source code of MANY huge companies and individuals will be visible and accessible by Microsoft. If you have private repos on github, guess what? Not so "private" anymore.

For Microsoft, this is a brilliant move and I'll give them props for that. I'm going to go ahead and predict that future versions of Windows will most likely be Linux based and you're welcome to quote me on that when it happens.

Those that know me know I'm a huge fan of hosting my own git repos. I've even posted about it a few years back when I described a private SaaS I designed and run for a client. I was running gitolite back then and still have it running on a couple of servers for a few repos. Recently I've been using "Gogs" ( and really like it. If any builders here are looking to self-host their own repos, let me know. I can knock out most Linux related things pretty quick (no WordPress stuff plz).
MS has been ramming their publicly traded dong down my throat for a while now. Seems like almost everyone is a visual studio shill, and now they're up in my gits. I swapped it all out and went over to gitlab for the time being. It seems like they're playing the Balmer playbook. 'developers developers developers'. Problem is, they can't get us so they're working from the top, forcing IDE and then moving into deployment pipeline. Next they'll buy Travis or some other CI, or maybe digital ocean :tongue:
Well if microsoft are going to make windows more like linux, it can only be a good thing. yes, microsoft is going to steal all your codes, but GitHub was always a private company and you gave up your trust to them to do whatever they wanted with your code so this shouldn't come as too much of a surprise.
Not super surprising. They had their own code hosting solution, it failed, so they went out and got the biggest guy out there. Seems Google was in talks as well about buying Github as well.

Good chance they'll fuck it up. Wouldn't be surprised to see it slowly die over the next 5 years, but you never know I guess. There's plenty of competition in the space though so some other service will just become the 'new' Github.

A little awkward to see the outrage that people are finally realizing that they shouldn't be hosting their code on some random service. If you are doing any kind of private work it's super easy with GitLab or something similar these days to throw it up on a $10/mo VPS host so really no excuses.
It's funny how people are running over to Gitlab and everyone else as if they don't have billionaire backers interested and invested in tech as well. If you're uploading your code to any other site, you've compromised yourself, no matter what their ToS and privacy policy says. It's like Samsung and Apple nonstop. "Yes, we copied each other, yes we'll pay the $2 billion fine." Meanwhile they made $5 billion profit at the end of the day. It's sadly a part of business these days.

Having Microsoft steal your code would be a blessing for 99.9% of developers. At least then they'll have a chance to make some money off of the code. That's not taking a shot at developers, but let's be frank. Most never have decent ideas and most never do an ounce of marketing. They just shelve project after project. I've seen amazing projects get shelved because the developer gave up because "I don't care about marketing, I care about code."
I like the "new Microsoft", and how they're contributing to the open source world.
My github repos contain sample code or dummy projects I used for learning, so in my particular case, I don't need another solution. My private repos live in Bitbucket and some others in GitLab but in general I think Github will benefit from this acquisition.