online profits

Mar 1, 2015
Hi my name is Andrew i have been doing online game gold sales on and off for the past few years i am looking into other ways to profit via online i was recommended this site by a friend of mine. I am looking forward to throwing around some ideas and getting your opinion on them.
Welcome to BuSo!

Gold sales always interested me. Do you grind out and earn the gold yourself or do you have a team you pay? Do you have to spam the chats or do you rank websites or what? How do you acquire customers?

Yeah, I'd transition out of that largely because you're reliant on a game that could lose popularity and then you need to relearn a new more popular game, and the cycle continues. You'd have to pay for licenses for the game, etc. Seems like a pain.

What are you future goals and ideas for doing something different?
I can vouch for Andrew I've known him for years. hes a stand up bloke, we've both made over high 5 figures each from the gold farming scene.

gold prices are turbulent with mmorg's starting to sell there own gold its becoming far more high risk!