Quantitative Keyword Modeling

Feb 6, 2015
Hola guys,

atm I am quite passionate about these "quantitative keyword models". I always loved these kind of approaches in other areas, and was glad when I found out that it can also be used(an is apparently used) in SEO.

I only found this helpful slideshare presenation atm.

Does anybody of you have some experience with such models? Any resource suggestions?
Muchos gracias!
@captainT this is pretty nice actually. They talk about the AIDA model we discuss in Day 6 - Keyword Research. I love the idea about the End of Life product opportunity. I think anyone that's sunsetted a product for a newer model should take a look at. Holy shit this was good.
DEFINITELY a lot to the whole End of Life thing for quite a few industries. In the database software world, for example, a BILLION dollar third party support industry has sprung up due to the lack of support by a few of the major names in the industry. This is the sort of stuff most don't think about.
a BILLION dollar third party support industry has sprung up due to the lack of support by a few of the major names in the industry. This is the sort of stuff most don't think about.

Oh man, I have a huge rant about this. How is it the environment for customer support is at such a low level that users for companies have to outsource contacting companies, WTF. It's not even the big guys even small one-man software companies won't bother responding to customers - how do they expect to make money?
To co-opt a quote from Orwell:

"In a time of universal apathy - having work ethic is a revolutionary act."