Rank top 5 on Bing & Yahoo but second page on Google?

Nov 28, 2018
Pretty much as it says in the title, I have a load of articles that rank in top 5 or higher on Bing and Yahoo yet fail to make the cut on Google. Looking if anyone has any knowledge/advice on this area? Thanks
Different algorithms produce different results. That’s my theory
Different algorithms produce different results. That’s my theory
I know, I am just interested to see if anyone had a similar scenario which they rectified and then was able to identify anything that could have made a difference. Probably a long shot but worth asking
@electrisio, You aren't really saying much so I doubt anyone can really help you. You aren't giving us your site stats, or your niche/industry competitive level. It's clear your competition is out SEOing in Google, so what are they doing that you are not.

The best broad advice is to look at your competitors in Google and see what they are doing that you are not, and then outdo them. Next advice is do more "Google SEO" that you are currently not doing.
Ranking higher in Bing/Yahoo is much easier than Google. Google also lean more towards bigger brands IMO.
Spammers from back in the day, lots and lots of them gave up on penalized sites. The more opportunistic ones started selling links on these sites. Others wised up and kept them all around and kept churning out more even after Penguin because they realized Google was the fast cash grab while Bing and Yahoo kept bringing in the passive income. Some, I understand, even optimize for those search engines from the start now.

So that's part of your answer. Google may say they "ignore" bad links but some have a negative effect, and the way they're linked like over-optimized anchor texts can harm your rankings too, whereas these same techniques or ratios won't hurt you in other search engines.
Some, I understand, even optimize for those search engines from the start now.
I've also heard about a site being specifically optimized for Bing, skipping over Google. It involves a lot of backlinks, I guess you can be spammier with those search engines than you can be with Google.
A jewel I'll pass to people here.

Google is very ego-driven. Google likes Google product.

To this user who posted. How many Google products do you have links from? Google has a lot of them.

Are most of your links driven from non-google product affiliated/syndicated sites?

People think I'm self-promoting when i tell the truth but I'd be willing to bet.... This is your flaw.

Also, what is your link balance ratio? Are links to your site using targeted keywords only a mere 5-7% ? If there's anything beyond 8/9% , Google's not your buddy. Other sites will let this slide.

Just my humble opinions.

People laughed at me on WickedFire when i told them you can earn 6-7 figures wth a solid YouTube channel back in the day too. So , feel free to doubt.
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