Schema - SEO - Featured Snippet

May 18, 2017
Hello All. I am new here and excited to be among such a smart group of people that all are involved in IM.
My question is with regards to featured snippets - Does anyone know how to get them? Does schema have something to do with it? Does long form content have anything to do with it? I have been following a blog that seems to be ranking for several keywords and all the keywords are returning a featured snippet in the SERPS for that respective money keyword. I appreciate the communities help. xoxo Laura (◕ᴗ◕✿)
Hey Encrypted! Tanks for the LOVE!

That is a great resource and will definitely dig my teeth into it today - never heard of Matt before.

I was also reading this on moz moz dot com /blog/what-we-learned-analyzing-featured-snippets and was pretty thorough as well.
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Schema for sure, but it's not an instant guarantee.

In general - mark-up everything you can via json-ld (follow and then get back to building authority. Getting sitelinks for your brand/site name is a good milestone to know you're starting to build some trust.
That article from Diggity is solid and covers all anyone really needs to know to understand the basic strategy and intent. Definitely go through Day 26 of the Digital Strategy guide, however, for more specific details as well as examples of implementation.

JSON-LD is definitely the overlooked type, and may actually have some benefits/preference in certain ways. I recommend doing both that and microdata. It's free, so why not! :wink:

Featured snippets are often a bit random, so I wouldn't worry about them too much, at least not initially. One thing you'll often notice is interesting things like a snippet from a list item, but then a featured image from an entirely different page...

A good way to think about it is, if your page / content is nicely structured, is marked up with schema so as to be easily understandable by the bots, and if there is a degree of variation to the presentation (aka no wall of text; instead <strong>, <em> and other tags, lists, headings, etc.) you're probably going to do well compared to most that throw up a wall of text indiscriminately. In that manner, you're providing an easily digestible format and good UX for users, and also providing a logical and easily decipherable format for bots.
There are some plugins that help with it but I find many blog templates help create it automatically too. You'll know if you do a right click on your page and search for the word "schema" or "org"
Google is definitely testing lots of things with featured box.. Sometimes you get images and listing from different URLs...I am not sure but heard that big G is going to remove it completely...