Apr 21, 2015
How much do you think it's important for Google that the HTML code will be valid?

e.g to use p tags on paragraphs, ol tag on order list, etc...
I think that validated HTML will rank higher than non-validated HTML, with all other variables equal.

That being said, it's just one variable of many you need to manage. Although, if your not using the most basic tags (paragraphs, ordered lists), you're probably shooting yourself in the foot.
I think it matters a ton. It's part of how spiders understand the context of what's being rendered without rendering it. HTML5 has made this even simpler for spiders now and humans.

I think if you're in the online arena with hopes of earning big money and you don't know HTML like the back of your hand... well. Good luck. And you need to at least be able to understand CSS and change it around. Better off to just flat out know that language too. Those two are how browsers display and style everything you see.
I think it matters a ton. It's part of how spiders understand the context of what's being rendered without rendering it. HTML5 has made this even simpler for spiders now and humans.

I think if you're in the online arena with hopes of earning big money and you don't know HTML like the back of your hand... well. Good luck. And you need to at least be able to understand CSS and change it around. Better off to just flat out know that language too. Those two are how browsers display and style everything you see.


I don't know how many thousands of dollars I must have saved by knowing HTML & CSS like I do.

The great thing is that it's super easy to learn and it's even easier to learn today than it was 10 years ago when there weren't as many sites around that make it easy to learn interactively (if there were any at all like that).

Basically take an hour or two an evening and learn it over a few weeks.

An investment in knowledge pays the best interest!
I agree, I also think it's very important just want to make sure.
The issue is that on my site which is running in Wordpress for some reason it's not output the right tags.

Any experience with this?
I agree, I also think it's very important just want to make sure.
The issue is that on my site which is running in Wordpress for some reason it's not output the right tags.

Any experience with this?

It's probably the theme your using. The WP platform is largely PHP based, but any HTML should validate. This means it's likely a poorly coded theme that's being used.