Simple Sitemap Generator (PHP)


Final Boss ®
BuSo Pro
Boot Camp
Digital Strategist
Sep 15, 2014

This is a simple PHP sitemap generator for static sites that do not have access to a plugin that does this.

It respects the robots.txt file, and crawls your domain with PHP-CURL, and generates your site map for you. It crawls your site and respects "noindex" and "nofollow" directives to generator an update site map.

For massive sites you'll probably need to update this to slow down and not hog resources.

I suggest using once a day for active sites or once a week for less active sites to keep your sitemap up to date. Schedule a cronjob for a time when there is the least amount of traffic on your website.

Here is the code:

// This script crawls a domain and creates a sitemap based on pages which are allowed to be crawled.
// It uses the META robots directive of "noindex/nofollow", to make a determination of what to crawl and save.
// It also respects the robots.txt file.
// It CANNOT find orphan pages, so all pages must be linked to at some level from a "dofollow" page in order to make it to the sitemap.
// This script uses JSON-LD structure of dates of "datePublished" ( and "dateModified" ( within each page to determine the date.
// An example of this is available at:
// If neither dates are available it leaves the field empty.
// Once completed it saves the sitemap to - which is already registered inside Google search console

//Cron JOB: (Recommended to run this once a day for active site or once a week)

//## Sitemap Update
//0 2 * * * php /root/sitemap/generate-sitemap.php >/dev/null 2>&1

$baseUrl = ''; // update this to your domain
$sitemapPath = '/var/www/'; // update this to your sitemap location (absolute server location - needs to be writable)

// No further modification is needed

$GLOBALS['REAL_baseUrl'] = $baseUrl;

$visitedUrls = [];

$rules = fetchAndParseRobotsTxt($baseUrl);
$urls = crawlSite($baseUrl, $visitedUrls, $rules);
generateSitemap($urls, $sitemapPath);

echo "[L-34]\nSitemap generated at $sitemapPath\nURL: " . $GLOBALS['REAL_baseUrl'] . "sitemap.xml\n\n";

function fetchUrl($url) {

    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36'); //Good idea to update it to latest browser
    $response = curl_exec($ch);
    $httpCode = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);

        if ($httpCode == 404) {
            return null;

    return $response;


function fetchAndParseRobotsTxt($baseUrl) {

    $robotsTxtUrl = $baseUrl . 'robots.txt';
    $robotsTxtContent = fetchUrl($robotsTxtUrl);

        if ($robotsTxtContent === null) {
            echo "\033[38;5;196m[L-59] Failed to fetch robots.txt.\033[0m\n--\n\n";

    return parseRobotsTxt($robotsTxtContent);


function parseRobotsTxt($content) {

    $rules = [];
    $lines = explode("\n", $content);
    $currentUserAgent = '*';

        foreach ($lines as $line) {
            $line = trim($line);

            if (empty($line) || strpos($line, '#') === 0) {

            list($directive, $value) = array_map('trim', explode(':', $line, 2));
            if (strcasecmp($directive, 'User-agent') === 0) {
                $currentUserAgent = $value;
            } elseif (strcasecmp($directive, 'Disallow') === 0) {
                if (!isset($rules[$currentUserAgent])) {
                    $rules[$currentUserAgent] = [];

                echo "\033[38;5;185m[L-89] Robots.txt value (" . $currentUserAgent . "): " . $line . "\033[0m\n";

                $rules[$currentUserAgent][] = $value;

    return $rules;


function isUrlAllowed($url, $baseUrl, $rules, $userAgent = '*') {

    $relativeUrl = str_replace($baseUrl, '/', $url);

        // Check rules for the specific user-agent first
        if (isset($rules[$userAgent])) {
            foreach ($rules[$userAgent] as $disallow) {
                if (strpos($relativeUrl, $disallow) === 0) {
                    return false;

        // Fall back to general rules if no specific rules for the user-agent
        if (isset($rules['*'])) {
            foreach ($rules['*'] as $disallow) {
                if (strpos($relativeUrl, $disallow) === 0) {
                    return false;

    return true;


function parseUrls($html, $baseUrl) {

    $dom = new DOMDocument();
    $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
    $hrefs = $xpath->evaluate("/html/body//a");

    $urls = [];

        foreach ($hrefs as $href) {
            $url = $href->getAttribute('href');

            // Ignore mailto: and javascript: links
            if (strpos($url, 'mailto:') === 0 || strpos($url, 'javascript:') === 0) {

            // Handle root-relative URLs
            if (strpos($url, '/') === 0 && strpos($url, '//') !== 0) {
                $fullUrl = rtrim($GLOBALS['REAL_baseUrl'], '/') . $url;
            } elseif (strpos($url, 'http') === 0) {
                $fullUrl = $url;
            } else {
                $fullUrl = rtrim($GLOBALS['REAL_baseUrl'], '/') . '/' . ltrim($url, '/');

            if (strpos($fullUrl, $baseUrl) === 0) {
                $urls[] = $fullUrl;

    return array_unique($urls);

function shouldCrawl($html) {

    $dom = new DOMDocument();
    $metas = $dom->getElementsByTagName('meta');

        foreach ($metas as $meta) {
            if (strtolower($meta->getAttribute('name')) === 'robots') {
                $content = strtolower($meta->getAttribute('content'));

                echo "\033[38;5;240m[L-169] robots=[" . $content . "]\033[0m\n";

                if (strpos($content, 'noindex') !== false || strpos($content, 'nofollow') !== false) {
                    echo "\033[38;5;250m[L-172] no-index/no-follow FOUND\033[0m\n";
                    return false;


    return true;


function extractDates($html) {

    $dom = new DOMDocument();
    $scripts = $dom->getElementsByTagName('script');
    $dates = [];

        foreach ($scripts as $script) {
            if ($script->getAttribute('type') === 'application/ld+json') {
                $jsonContent = $script->textContent;
                $jsonData = json_decode($jsonContent, true);

                if (json_last_error() === JSON_ERROR_NONE && isset($jsonData['@graph'])) {
                    foreach ($jsonData['@graph'] as $entry) {
                        if (isset($entry['@type']) && ($entry['@type'] === 'Article' || $entry['@type'] === 'WebPage')) {
                            if (isset($entry['dateModified'])) {
                                $dates['lastmod'] = $entry['dateModified'];
                            if (isset($entry['datePublished'])) {
                                $dates['published'] = $entry['datePublished'];

    return $dates;


function generateSitemap($urls, $sitemapPath) {

    $dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
    $urlset = $dom->createElement('urlset');
    $urlset->setAttribute('xmlns', '');

        foreach ($urls as $urlData) {
            $urlElement = $dom->createElement('url');
            $loc = $dom->createElement('loc', htmlspecialchars($urlData['url']));
            if ($urlData['lastmod']) {
                $lastmod = $dom->createElement('lastmod', htmlspecialchars(date('c', strtotime($urlData['lastmod']))));

    $dom->formatOutput = true;

function crawlSite($baseUrl, &$visitedUrls, $rules) {

    echo "\033[38;5;202m[L-238] crawling=[" . $baseUrl . "]\033[0m\n";

    $html = fetchUrl($baseUrl);

        if (!$html) {
            return [];

    $urls = parseUrls($html, $baseUrl);
    $filteredUrls = [];

        foreach ($urls as $url) {

                if (in_array($url, $visitedUrls)) {

                // Check if URL is allowed by robots.txt
                if (!isUrlAllowed($url, $baseUrl, $rules)) {
                    echo "\033[38;5;250m[L-257] Skipping URL=[" . $url . "] due to robots.txt\033[0m\n";

            $visitedUrls[] = $url;

            $pageHtml = fetchUrl($url);

                if ($pageHtml && shouldCrawl($pageHtml)) {
                    $dates = extractDates($pageHtml);
                    $lastmod = $dates['lastmod'] ?? $dates['published'] ?? null;
                    $filteredUrls[] = ['url' => $url, 'lastmod' => $lastmod];
                    $filteredUrls = array_merge($filteredUrls, crawlSite($url, $visitedUrls, $rules));
                } else {
                    echo "\033[38;5;250m[L-271] Skipping URL=[" . $url . "] due to noindex/nofollow\033[0m\n";


    return array_unique($filteredUrls, SORT_REGULAR);


Github version of it is here: Simple Sitemap Generator