The SEO Game Is About To Change - Drastically


BuSo Pro
Jul 5, 2022
Has anyone read this post yet? If not, I encourage everyone to read this post by Marie Haynes especially if you are running an SEO agency.

Many businesses, content creators, review websites, affiliate website, encyclopedia like website, etc.. will all be negatively affected, but most of all SEO Agencies.

The game is about to change. Are you ready? Cause I am not lol

What do you all think about this?
Agencies negatively affected?

Agencies charge you to change up what you're doing.
Change makes agencies profitable.
Shit even disasters like Google Analytics 4 are great for agencies. At least in the short run.
You sell service and you get a fee. When the product sucks and breaks a lot you bill for more hours.

#SEOTWITTER is dieing cuz Tom Swift bought their platform and login gated the audience away.
Agencies don't make money from how good they are, but how good they can make themselves seem and how good they can make their corporate clients feel.

Also, change is good, if you're not on top now, why fear change?

Chaos and upheaval is good. All the people with real jobs who decided to jump into SEO as a side hustle are going to decide it isn't worth it. Those of you who can deal with chaos and who might even consider chaos a competitive advantage, you're going have less competition.
Agencies don't make money from how good they are, but how good they can make themselves seem and how good they can make their corporate clients feel.

Also, change is good, if you're not on top now, why fear change?

Chaos and upheaval is good. All the people with real jobs who decided to jump into SEO as a side hustle are going to decide it isn't worth it. Those of you who can deal with chaos and who might even consider chaos a competitive advantage, you're going have less competition.
Can't agree more. If you have self-confidence, you can take on this coming storm. If you don't, you're already doomed. If you've faced challenges in the past and overcame them, you're able to over come this new technological advancement in society. If you're a victim and events happen to you, then you've already lost.
It's an interesting point that a lot of publishers will be screwed because the ads that once appeared on their sites will now be a part of the SGE. While the advertisers may be able to target better because of this, the publishers are cut out of the process so only the advertisers and Google benefit.

Of course, this has slowly been in the works anyway with Google providing more and more helpful info in the SERPS themselves when someone does a search.
One thing I find interesting about all this A.I. talk is SEOs always seem to complain that "oh this is not always accurate".

Well, do you really think that those blog posts comparing some products with their affiliate links are accurate?

Are they unbiased?

No, they're trying to make money and quite frankly don't give a fuck about accuracy.

These people will straight up make up bullshit or at least bend the truth.

If you think these people promoting these products from Amazon are buying each goddamn product and trying them out - give me a break.

We all know the truth.

You damn well know the majority of them weren't- so how can they accurately give reviews?

There's too much tomfoolery that goes on in this industry - it's like come on bro.
Exactly 1 year ago I responded in another thread to people's skepticism regarding AI's affect on SEO (people were comparing it to voice search and how that didn't really impact SEO / traffic much). Lots of skepticism. Now people are waking up. It is an evolution, not a feature enhancement:

"How Google implemented this is exactly the way I envisioned it. It’s going to featured snippets on steroids.

By the way, I am pro this technology, err “AI”, and very excited about it. Yes, it will suck for SEO and some queries. It will have a far greater impact than the old featured snippets in the effect it has on clicks. If you don’t see this, I almost think there must be some bias or you are too skeptical of the technology or tying it too much to past experiences. Make no mistake, this is different. There are many smart people on this forum that I respect, but I’m surprised more people aren’t grasping the magnitude of this…

I’m not saying it’s not an SEO killer. Not by a long shot. But I am saying it will 100% take significantly more clicks away than featured snippets did when those were introduced. I’m not typically one to fall prey to hype. But guys, this is not a hype thing. It may have hype following its wake, but it’s not based on a speculative hype; there is utility. Sure, the term AI is full of hype. Sure, it’s not true AI. But there is a real utility to this technology. And, in my mind, the utility goes way beyond content creation or search. Ultimately, it’s in a different league and context of voice assistants."

I think this still sums it up.