What are realistic earnings at a high level?

Sep 4, 2021
Because this is what motivates me, I'm curious what are realistic earnings at a high end are?

I saw something about one member earing $9 million a month which is so awesome. But I'm currious what are some of the other high end earning numbers.
which member is earning 9mill/month? and is that all t hrough SEO? or also paid ads
  1. That's a retarded question.
  2. Don't say "realistic". Saying "realistic" in that context means you'll never achieve anything worthwhile in your life. Set your sights on something BIG. Make it scary. That IS realistic. You'll get it if you keep going. It's all "realistic". It just comes down to you. Will you put in the work necessary? Will you continue to grow - and NEVER stop growing - even after you make a little bit of money?
  3. 10k a month is possible, 50k a month is possible, so is 200k, 500k, 5 million, 100 million. If you want to be a small fry earning a bullshit 10k a month you can. If you want to make millions, or billions, you can. But what are you willing to sacrifice to get it?
"Realistic" and "at the high end" is kind of a weird pairing.
Red Ventures, the media company that owns CNET and Healthline, has $2 billion in annual revenue.
That sounds like a good goal to me.
If you are not a lazy fuck, or a dumb fuck, you can pretty much take what you want.... for now. Wont be like this for long, the landscape is always changing in this game. Better keep stacking.
  1. That's a retarded question.
  2. Don't say "realistic". Saying "realistic" in that context means you'll never achieve anything worthwhile in your life. Set your sights on something BIG. Make it scary. That IS realistic. You'll get it if you keep going. It's all "realistic". It just comes down to you. Will you put in the work necessary? Will you continue to grow - and NEVER stop growing - even after you make a little bit of money?
  3. 10k a month is possible, 50k a month is possible, so is 200k, 500k, 5 million, 100 million. If you want to be a small fry earning a bullshit 10k a month you can. If you want to make millions, or billions, you can. But what are you willing to sacrifice to get it?

Sorry. Didn't mean to ask a stupid question.

I'm a software engineer who at night has been doing some web dev. My goal is to create modular sites that will allow me to create many high quality, number driven sites. I put a lot of time into it.

I guess the reason I was asking that is I was trying to gage what people do here. Are the longtime form members (people that have been on this forum for a few years) pulling in closer to $10k or is it closer to $100k. Guess these are things I shouldn't worry about and should just keep building.
Don't be sorry. Tell me to go fuck myself because you're gonna kill it.

My intention was not to shut you down. My intention was to open your eyes to reality. It's natural to wonder what people on the forum are making. And that knowledge can be used to inspire to you greater heights (which is the point of that bragging thread on this forum - or at least it should have been). However, when you said "realistic" it meant that anything beyond what you deem "realistic" is "unrealistic", meaning you believe that amount is not possible for you. However, the truth is this: whatever you believe is "realistic" IS realistic. Thus even 100 million, 1 billion, 10 billion, etc IS realistic if you believe it to be.

I know that sounds weird right now but you need to understand that and the sooner you do the sooner you'll make mo' money, 'mo money, 'mo money.

And to answer your question, most members here are making less than you think, but some are making far, far, more than you think.
If you’re making less than $80,000 a year in profit, get a job at an agency or an in house role, while working on your business on the side. You can realistically make $80,000 a year with the skills here and if you fit in at the company. If you can’t make $80,000 a year with your skills here on your own, you should go with a company in the meantime until you are able to. The opportunity cost is too high to not do that. So, I’d say the “realistic” amount is $80,000.
Even though the job title, experience, and level of education are all the same, earnings in different parts of the country might vary dramatically. The disparity in pay is primarily attributable to differences in local employment demand, cost of living, and tax rate. A software engineer's average yearly salary in San Francisco, for example, is roughly $102,606. Software developers in North Carolina, on the other hand, earn roughly $75,104 per year.