What are some subreddits where you can get karma by posting low effort comments?

Jun 30, 2022
I'm not very smart, or very funny or dank. I am just a normal redditor. So, where do I write that I get karma faster? I need 1000 karma comment to make a post. I've gathered 300 from soccer subreddit.
I personally like r/askreddit for comment karma.

You could also try media submissions on r/mademesmile, r/aww, r/nextfuckinglevel, r/holup, r/thatsinsane. First try to understand what works well on those subreddit, and then do your submission. You can use YouTube as your video source.

But, always be a good redditor. Thanks.
I'm not very smart, or very funny or dank. I am just a normal redditor. So, where do I write that I get karma faster? I need 1000 karma comment to make a post. I've gathered 300 from soccer subreddit.

You don't have to be any of that to get karma points. You just need to follow subreddits, look at what is being upvoted the most and then form a strategy around that. There is a thread that @GNews was recently posting on about how he does it. Its here
Keep commenting on the subreddits where you can contribute something, if you like soccer make comments on the soccer subreddit. Sort by new posts and make the most relatable comment you can on the posts which will do numbers e.g. goals, transfer news etc. Do it tomorrow during game times. You should be at 1000 karma in a few days.
Or just trow 10$ on any microjob site that allows reddit.
you just get 2-3 karma there per comment. soccer sub gives you karma for telling anything positive.

You can easily get a lot more if you know the things that Reddit is weird about like keeping your cat indoors or posting that jackdaw bird meme.
Semi related, but any good posts on how to grow traffic via Reddit?
I'm not very smart, or very funny or dank. I am just a normal redditor. So, where do I write that I get karma faster? I need 1000 karma comment to make a post. I've gathered 300 from soccer subreddit.
Some subreddits I farm karma with photos:


some subreddits I farm karma with text posts:

For comment karma, the relationships sub is easy and low-effort. All you have to do is tell the poster that they're right and that they should leave their significant other in 3-4 short sentences.
What do you like doing, or what is a topic you know a lot about? If you spend some time commenting in relevant subs, I am sure you will build up karma quickly. You don't need to be funny or clever; you'd be surprised at some of the rather flat comments that get 100+ upvotes.
I recently got 2,000 comment karma on r/askreddit in a matter of days - here's how:
- you sort the sub by new
- look at the post that seems to evolve into a controversial topic, like why Americans drive everywhere (while Europeans don't), or something about gun control, or the negative effect of social media; redditors love these A vs. B topics;
- post something relatively controversial, but in a funny way - redditors will bite the bullet and upvote your comment.
If you have a cat or a garden those are two huuuuge subs that are pretty easy, and enjoyable depending, to get some quick traction with.