What Email Autoresponder Would You Recommend?

Mar 27, 2015
Been a while since I was in the email game. Looking more appealing by the day.

What is everyone using these days?

Back in my day I was using aweber and getresponse but have a feeling the game has changed since then.

Anticipating list size to be 720k+ ish in 8-12 months so has to be legit enough to handle volume. Clean niche, no spam.

Mailgun. I mean you have to do lots of stuff yourself (code - but I mean these days chatgpt can put that together for you it's just a simple API). The other advantage of mailgun is ofc in 8-12 months if not already you're going to want to be personalising everything (even if just the odd sentence) using generative AI so... you may as well start with something that your new AI writing langchain app can plug into.
Mailgun. I mean you have to do lots of stuff yourself (code - but I mean these days chatgpt can put that together for you it's just a simple API). The other advantage of mailgun is ofc in 8-12 months if not already you're going to want to be personalising everything (even if just the odd sentence) using generative AI so... you may as well start with something that your new AI writing langchain app can plug into.
Thanks but I only understood every other word lol
Thanks but I only understood every other word lol

Sorry man - sometimes I'm just typing these quickly between other madness.

Based on what you know about the subscriber? Like order history and such?

Yeah if you talk to anyone who does cold sales outreach B2B at scale, they always have their reps add anything personal even if it seems kinda pointless because it massively increases the response rate. The ability to do it at scale to a subscriber list is going to (in the right niches/with the right data) really change ecommerce emails. You have all the reviews of the product that are positive so you can have the LLM share some highlights and ask if they're finding it the same etc. Then slide into the pitch smoothly from there etc. It's things big companies were doing manually - segmenting lists and having a big writing team do different stuff for different segments etc but you can do it 1-1 for every product anyone ever bought without needing all those writers etc.
Sendinblue because it does the work and is affordable. If in eCommerce Activecampaign.
aweber is still good from what I hear.
we use ontraport because our email campaigns have a lot of automations (if they open such and such email, send them this sequence, if they click on this link in an email, send them this etc)
Mautic doesn't get enough credit. It's open source and pretty much has any functionality you would need and more. You can add plugins to it, webhooks, etc..

They also have a pretty active slack community for any technical help

You can also setup different domains to use the same Mautic install