what emerging business technologies / tools are there?


BuSo Pro
Sep 4, 2016
As the title says, what do you guys think will be the next big tool, trend or technology will be in the business IT field?

I'm not referring to Facebook or any other social network, I'm talking about up and coming game changers. In my mind, I'm thinking big data & security are what we are likely to see new tools appear (think business records that hold sensitive information or sites like serpwoo that process a fuck load of data daily and need to do it fast).
Geo-fencing & beacon-based, personalized, augmented reality advertising mixed with purchased big data. Billboards, posters, audio, etc. You're walking around in the mall and an animated 3d person calls out your name and tells you about a discount on items that store is offering that they know you are interested in but haven't purchased. It might even be a one-time special discount just for you. At the same time your buddy is seeing a different person (maybe a girl generated on porn star preferences) and hearing about a different sale. This will be AR glasses and contact lenses with ear pieces, or neither and the ad goes to the most-likely-to-convert.
I'm waiting to see more businesses using in-store beacons.

My understanding of this technology is very limited but, from what I see, it seems it's mostly app based now. If it was possible to tie a beacon to a website visit that would be crazy powerful. Tie a store visit to a web traffic channel. Similar to how Adwords uses location based conversions (http://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2016/06/14/adwords-store-visit-conversions) but better, because the proximity would be tighter and the beacon could have it's own set of parameters to count the conversion.

You could have stores with beacons in every aisle, someone lands on a particular product page of their site, 20 minutes later that product's aisle is pinging. They would have time from web browsing to in-store. Alert them of any offer, track that they were near the item and potentially considering it, then track if they purchased.

Get that in the hands of a big retailer and there's your big data scenario too.

Geo-fencing & beacon-based, personalized, augmented reality advertising mixed with purchased big data. Billboards, posters, audio, etc. You're walking around in the mall and an animated 3d person calls out your name and tells you about a discount on items that store is offering that they know you are interested in but haven't purchased. It might even be a one-time special discount just for you.

Beat me to it! I was thinking mostly tracking but, personalization is huge.