What is this?


BuSo Pro
Boot Camp
Jan 23, 2015

Been noticing it a lot on the "best xxx" product keywords. So basically authority sites get top priority

Google making rich snippets more prominent for certain types of queries.
Google making rich snippets more prominent for certain types of queries.
I wonder how it will affect affiliate sales and CTR
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Its more like google trying to cut out the affiliate. Buy displaying their information without getting the hit or click...

How are you seeing the CPC and search volume under the google query?
If I repeat it, I might get banned, not from BUSO, from the INTERNET!!
Its more like google trying to cut out the affiliate. Buy displaying their information without getting the hit or click...

Yeah it's disgusting. This is precisely the goal. They're trying to dynamically provide you with the answer to your query by stealing data from someone else's website. This way, you never have to leave Google's property and those sites might be persuaded to purchase Adwords ads to compensate for the loss.

I've seen some of these queries actually list the best products in a carousel that you can click on and immediately go purchase (of course with Google kickbacks instead of affiliate). Same with all of the queries that started featuring CPA offers like credit cards, insurance, flight tickets, etc.
Make the list in descending order so they have to click through in order to see the best. Checkmate, Google.
Yeah it's disgusting. This is precisely the goal. They're trying to dynamically provide you with the answer to your query by stealing data from someone else's website. This way, you never have to leave Google's property and those sites might be persuaded to purchase Adwords ads to compensate for the loss.

I've seen some of these queries actually list the best products in a carousel that you can click on and immediately go purchase (of course with Google kickbacks instead of affiliate). Same with all of the queries that started featuring CPA offers like credit cards, insurance, flight tickets, etc.

It's insane how Google can fuck over webmasters like that without any consequences.

If they scraped your content and atleast kept the affiliate links in then things would be better.
Love it man. You can't scrape and reuse content, but they can. Logical thought processes by Google 101.
I love it when they do that except when I'm ranked on the first page for the term.

I often find it helpful when I'm looking for information. Most of the the time end I up clicking through to one of the results or doing another more informed search using what I learned in the knowledge box.

So as a user I love it but as an seo I hate it. Since it benefits the user maybe Google is doing the right thing even if it pisses us off.