What's the fastest way to get a link indexed?

Dec 20, 2016
I have an article published on Huffington Post, but it hasn't been indexed yet. What is the fastest way for me to get this indexed without spending a lot? A link indexing service? Pointing a link to it from another article? Buying social signals?
Are you referring to the Contributor Platform? If so, isn't it all no-index unless an editor promotes or features the article?
Also just to drop my two cents here, the fastest way to index a link is usually tweeting it. I had an issue of having my pages indexed i built twenty different twitter accounts and set it up for auto posting with a bitly link every time i posted something on my site. I noticed it gets indexed pretty fast, You can theoretically use the same method for indexing links.
Aside from the point already brought up about your article likely being in a no-index area... I'm going to challenge your perspective.

Why do you care about how fast your link is indexed? Are you into heavy black hat shit? If not, then this does not matter. Focus on what does.
Here's another consideration... Does a page need to be indexed to be added to the link graph (and help your rankings)? Or does it just need to be crawled?

I'd be willing to bet there's a front-facing index and then a private behind-the-scenes one that contains some aspect of everything. They're entire business is data and sorting data. You can't sort and exclude bad data from the front-facing index by ignoring it. It's being kept and calculated somewhere. Noindex doesn't equal bad, either...
@Ryuzaki is spot on, the most important thing isn't if the page is indexed but if the link on the page is crawled, and search engine bots vistis pages that aren't indexed all the time and often a few times before it indexes that page.