What's the most you've ever made with adsense?


BuSo Pro
Boot Camp
Jan 23, 2015
Curious as to where adsense has taken some of you in terms of revenue. Would you say its a good ROI?
I'm not in health and fitness, but there are a lot of well paying affiliate programs in that category.
Are you trying to be the guy who's known for starting pointless threads?
Are you trying to be the guy who's known for starting pointless threads?

No, I thought it would be a good idea to see some real results. If I googled this It would come up with all these get rich quick results

That information would be literally useless to you. Check out the "inspire a newbie" thread if you're looking for motivation cos just asking "Yo anyone made money with adsense?" ... How is that going to benefit you at all? If we say yes, or if we say no... so what?

It's the biggest advertising network in existence, yeah people make money with it. So there you go.

Asking if adsense gives a good ROI is the wrong question to be asking because how is anyone going to be able to answer that for you? You need to just keep working and soon you'll be able to answer that for yourself. I know everything's overwhelming right now but the only way to break through that is by just doing. Just stack that traffic son, build your audience, get fans, and take good care of them.

There are a lot of ways to monetize your site and adsense can be good for traffic that isn't looking for something like "buy workout videos", because in that case you'd want to sell them workout videos, right?

Everyone that lands on your site has intentions... So what are they looking for and can you provide it to them? It might be a quick answer to a question, it might be motivation, it might be entertainment... So if you're thikning about adsense, look at where your visitors are coming from and what they're looking for and ask yourself if you can provide them what they want (This will vary from page to page, sometimes the answer will be yes and sometimes it will be no.) If you can't, then maybe an adsense advertiser can so in that case it makes sense to sell your visitor to someone else. If you CAN provide what they're lookin for, then you don't want to send them away for 25 cents so that the next broscientist can take their cash.

There are a million ripped guys taking selfies at the gym and doing what you're trying to do so look at them closely for guidance. Get in touch with them, get some guest posts, accept some guest posts, network like a mofo. Talk to the people who are in your niche and are where you want to be. The more traffic and the larger your audience is, the easier it will be to get at these guys. Pretty sure not many of the top guys are running adsense because they have their own stuff to promote and they would rather hold onto their visitors than pawn them off for pennies a click. Until you have anything better to promote adsense can be great. If you're getting a lot of not very targeted traffic, adsense can be great. Obviously you aren't going to launch your own brand of supplements tomorrow, but there are a lot of ways to monetize in this niche so test them out and go with the one that makes you the most money but also suits your long term goals (If you value your audience and want to be credible, don't sell a bunch of muscle booster trial offers and bs like that for example.)

Protip: It's REALLY easy to network with people in your niche because they all love seeing their name and picture in as many places as they can. Also you need to narrow it down from "Health and fitness" because you're in a very specific part of that niche. Serve your audience and build the audience you WANT because you get to dictate who finds your site and why... cater to them.

That information would be literally useless to you. Check out the "inspire a newbie" thread if you're looking for motivation cos just asking "Yo anyone made money with adsense?" ... How is that going to benefit you at all? If we say yes, or if we say no... so what?

It's the biggest advertising network in existence, yeah people make money with it. So there you go.

Asking if adsense gives a good ROI is the wrong question to be asking because how is anyone going to be able to answer that for you? You need to just keep working and soon you'll be able to answer that for yourself. I know everything's overwhelming right now but the only way to break through that is by just doing. Just stack that traffic son, build your audience, get fans, and take good care of them.

There are a lot of ways to monetize your site and adsense can be good for traffic that isn't looking for something like "buy workout videos", because in that case you'd want to sell them workout videos, right?

Everyone that lands on your site has intentions... So what are they looking for and can you provide it to them? It might be a quick answer to a question, it might be motivation, it might be entertainment... So if you're thikning about adsense, look at where your visitors are coming from and what they're looking for and ask yourself if you can provide them what they want (This will vary from page to page, sometimes the answer will be yes and sometimes it will be no.) If you can't, then maybe an adsense advertiser can so in that case it makes sense to sell your visitor to someone else. If you CAN provide what they're lookin for, then you don't want to send them away for 25 cents so that the next broscientist can take their cash.

There are a million ripped guys taking selfies at the gym and doing what you're trying to do so look at them closely for guidance. Get in touch with them, get some guest posts, accept some guest posts, network like a mofo. Talk to the people who are in your niche and are where you want to be. The more traffic and the larger your audience is, the easier it will be to get at these guys. Pretty sure not many of the top guys are running adsense because they have their own stuff to promote and they would rather hold onto their visitors than pawn them off for pennies a click. Until you have anything better to promote adsense can be great. If you're getting a lot of not very targeted traffic, adsense can be great. Obviously you aren't going to launch your own brand of supplements tomorrow, but there are a lot of ways to monetize in this niche so test them out and go with the one that makes you the most money but also suits your long term goals (If you value your audience and want to be credible, don't sell a bunch of muscle booster trial offers and bs like that for example.)

Protip: It's REALLY easy to network with people in your niche because they all love seeing their name and picture in as many places as they can. Also you need to narrow it down from "Health and fitness" because you're in a very specific part of that niche. Serve your audience and build the audience you WANT because you get to dictate who finds your site and why... cater to them.

Saved this to text file so i can read it when i feel lost again. Thanks man. on the note I think its time I stop making threads
Saved this to text file so i can read it when i feel lost again. Thanks man. on the note I think its time I stop making threads

I don't want to discourage you from making threads but remember you've got that journal thread so it would be really useful to people browsing the forum down the road to see your journey contained in that one place.

Everyone here has gone through all the questions and things you're going through now and a lot of people who join in the future will, too, so you have an awesome opportunity to help lay out a road map of what's worked and what hasn't with your journal.

Last thing I wanna do is discourage someone from asking questions, especially in the orientation room, but certain questions would be better suited to your journal.

Good luck and feel free to hit me up if you need anything, best to @tag me if you have Q's in your journal so that everyone can benefit from the knowledge.

I'll say this. Everyone hates Adsense and says it's bottom barrel monetization. These guys don't know how to split test, bring targeted traffic, do proper keyword research, etc. Google isn't a skrillion dollar industry with Adwords without Adsense showing the inventory.

I screen-capped this for someone the other day, so I'll show it here again...


Those are CTR's over the course of two years (long average) on a handful of sites. Which ones do you think had the most-targeted traffic? If I showed you the CPC on some of those higher CTR ones, you'd lose your mind. Ridiculous CPM's.

So can you make money with Adsense? Yes, but you better dedicate yourself to understanding what the best opportunities are for the program, work on optimizing ad placement and other variables, and learn how to mine for the best traffic for it.