What's with all the links ending in -k.html?

Jul 24, 2021
Is this an Ahrefs bug?

My websites have a lot of inbound links looking like that.

I've saved a couple of those at web.archive.org, they are normal pages with no links to my content in sight. Who creates them and why?


It's not a bug. It's a spam network. Why they do it is a good question. They often use nofollow and sometimes don't. It seems like their goal is to either eat up spidering resources (which is silly as it costs them, too), they want to ruin backlink profile trackers like Ahrefs, or it's some kind of indexing ordeal. What's strange is they'll have domains from DR zero all the way up to DR70+, which can't be cheap to get ahold of. Thankfully they use footprints like -k.html so they can more easily be dealt with if you want to.
I wonder how much stuff like this is to blame for Google and their indexing problems. It seems that auto-generated spam networks are really proliferating recently.