Would this keyword data make for a good niche site?

Jul 23, 2015
Hi Everyone,

I've recently decided to jump into the world of seo and niche site building for personal interest and hopefully one day a second income. However, I'm looking for help on my first keyword research project. I have narrowed it down to this keyword. Please review the Long Tail Pro data below and comment. Thanks, Brandon!

What kind of keyword data is this? If someone can actually give you any serious feedback on this, I need to hire them as my psychic. This looks like URL data, not keyword. How does a keyword have PageRank, or Site Age? Or is this 1 keyword's competition? You are going after ONE keyword? Against domains that are averaging 9.4 years?

Welcome to BuSo.
Hopefully I'm safely assuming you're pretty green to this after reading your post?

If you are taking on your first project, forget about over-analyzing keyword data. I suggest this:
  • Pick a niche you'd be interested in creating a site around.
  • Research the potential of bringing in revenue. Are there products/offers already out there that you could push? Again if this is your first project, I'd consider anything being able to potentially bring in a minimum of $xxx/month to be successful for that.
  • Get started. You learn so much by throwing yourself into the trenches and doing something -- ANYTHING.
Don't waste time looking at keyword data. This forum is filled with gold for ways to bring traffic to your site without depending solely on SEO tactics; Traffic leaking, as CCarter and everyone else is calling it.
  • CCarter has this thread that lays out the philosophy against focusing on SEO and then goes on to give you a solid way to start your site.
  • Check out the other lessons in the Boot Camp forum for more on Traffic Leaking. Also, throughout BuSo you'll find plenty of other threads with great information.
  • Read TrafficLeaks.com
  • Read this gold posted by Tavin. And this. Pretty much read anything posted by that dude.
If you can throw up a presentable website and focus on pushing traffic to it, SEO will follow in suit. Yes, there are experienced people out there that know how to structure their site properly for SEO and all the ins-and-outs but IMO you don't need to worry about this or keywords -- you're not experienced yet. You need to learn basics and the best way to do that is by getting started now. Good luck bro
Thank you for the replies, the data above is the top 10 of Google when you search the keyword term. I currently have two sites up with some content on them. Focusing on affiliate links to bring in any kind of (ROI) because I'm not really familiar with Ad sense yet and how you go about making money with it. Ill check out all the links listed above. Oh and I plan to target more than one word I'm just trying to find a starting point. Thanks, again
Oh and I plan to target more than one word I'm just trying to find a starting point.

Target an audience, not keywords. Keywords can come later with specific "money" pages, but try to make your site an "umbrella" brand catering to an audience and their needs.

Just a tip.